Thursday, October 17, 2024

Questions abound on ambulance service

| August 10, 2023 1:00 AM

You are a private company paid for by the residents of Boundary County.

A few years back, didn’t your company quietly spearhead a drive for a multi-million-dollar, 24/7 facility behind the armory? At residents expense, of course.

Didn’t you recently receive a new ambulance from the commissioners? Haven’t the commissioners voted to furnish that same new ambulance? I do not understand why my taxes are buying equipment for a private, contracted company.

Is this equipment something you will be able to take with you if you lose the contract?

Soon after Boise allowed the district levy rate to be as high as 0.006%, an election was held. The very people who may need ambulance service, voted no.

Yet your company quietly went to the state and attempted to force Boundary County taxpayers to give your company more money. Of course, the shenanigans pulled in Bonner County (North Valley EMS) serve as a roadmap to what is being attempted here. One ginormous, regional ambulance service. Privately owned, funded by taxes. Property, Medicare, Medicaid, EMS fee at DMV, private insurance, and billing the patient (or their estate) directly for costs not yet recovered.

Perhaps your company would do better following the example of Porthill residents who banded together and formed a strong first responder group. Isn’t that what served us well before the district was formed? Instead of your demand that every corner of the county must be "covered" by a state-of-the-art ambulance and paramedic 24/7.

Local matters, and so does my wallet.


Moyie Springs