Monday, March 03, 2025

Crews continue to fight area fires

Hagadone News Network | August 16, 2023 1:00 AM

CLARK FORK — A Monday night infrared flight over the Buckskin 2 Fire detected reduced heat than the day before, Idaho Panhandle National Forests officials said Monday.

"The hard work of firefighters on the ground with assistance from aerial firefighting resources has successfully reduced heat sources, even during the hottest and driest weather this summer," IPNF officials said of the Clark Fork area fire.

Official said the 264-acre fire remains in its footprint and is 15% contained. However, they expect pockets of unburned fuels within the perimeter of the fire will continue to be active and smoke may be visible at times.

An Interagency Hotshot Crew arrived Monday to help fight the fire, bringing the total to five 20-person hand crews. Additional engines and heavy equipment arrived over the past few days and aircraft in the region continue to be a shared resource, officials said.

Work to build and reinforce firelines around the fire continues as does hazardous tree removal.

Residents of the Twin Creek and Rearden areas are under the "Get Ready" status of the "Ready, Set, Go" evacuation planning stages. Under this status, residents are advised to have a plan to evacuate if necessary. "Set" status asks residents to begin putting their plan into place. Under "Go" status, residents are told to leave immediately due to an imminent threat.

Ridge Creek Fire

Firing operations on the Ridge Creek Fire were successful, with crews able to expand some areas of the line up to 200 feet, officials said Tuesday. A strategic firing operation involves the controlled use of low-intensity fire to reduce fuels and add depth to fireline.

"Night operations will continue throughout the week to take advantage of night-time conditions that will allow for the use of firing to burn away materials adjacent to existing containment lines," officials said.

Located 3.5 miles east of the north tip of Hayden Lake, the Ridge Creek Fire is estimated at 2,781 acres and 15% containment.

Crews are making progress in reinforcing and strengthening containment lines. As part of that effort, timber-falling operations are being used to create fuel breaks and broaden containment lines. That should lessen the likelihood that the fire will "spot" over containment lines, officials said.

On the west flank of the fire, crews were able to use firing operations to strengthen a constructed dozer line extending south from a BPA transmission line to the fire at Hayden Creek Road.

Sarah Loop Fire

An aggressive attack from the sky and hard work on the ground by local collaborators helped keep a fire near U.S. 95 in Athol in check, Idaho Department of Lands officials said Tuesday evening.

IDL said the quick response kept the Sarah Loop Fire to an estimated 60 acres with the fire’s perimeter surrounded by fireline and firehose.

While no homes were lost, two outbuildings unfortunately were reported burned.

IDL officials said they are grateful the U.S. Forest Service jumped in to help, diverting aircraft from the Ridge Creek Fire to add to the aggressive initial attack.

Road and trail closures

Consalus Fire: Forest Service Road 1108 is closed from the junction with FSR 333 to the junction with FSR 659. FSR 1094 will remain open for the first 4.5 miles from the junction with FSR 312, however, the remainder will be closed to the junction with FSR 1108. FSR 659 is closed from the junction with FSR 312 to the junction with FSR 659B; and FSR 333 from the junction with FSR 2730 to its end.

Buckskin 2 Fire — The intersection of USFS roads 203 and 332 as well as the intersection of 1021 and 332 and also 1533 and 306 in Clark Fork are closed. UTV Trail 77 goes right into the drainage where the fire is burning and is also being closed.

Ridge Creek Fire: There is a 24-hour-per-day temporary flight restriction in place, which applies to both civilian aircraft and drones.

An emergency closure order is in effect for areas surrounding the fire and prohibits all methods of travel (foot, mechanized, motorized, and stock) on Forest Service Roads 392, 428A, 437, 1511, 1530, 1552, 1587, and Forest Service Roads 206 and 406 north of their junction, Forest Service Trails 69, 78, 234, and 802, as well as within the described area.

There are temporary flight restrictions over the fire areas.
