Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Let's give our children the opportunities they deserve

| February 23, 2023 1:00 AM

Twenty-five years ago, I walked into the old high school. It was like walking into a grade school from the early 1970s. It was 1998 and the school was like it was 1973.

This was a high school in the year cellphones with cameras and laptops were beginning to dominate modern culture. I thought to myself, how can this be?

It is now 2023 and I’m again asking myself, how can this be?

I don’t understand the hesitancy to pass the M&O bond for Boundary County School District. The bond’s purpose is to continue the level of services and opportunities the children currently have and deserve. It is not a new tax or burden. The monies derived from this bond pay for the services, opportunities and salaries for personnel which are not funded from Idaho’s general fund. If you disagree with how Idaho funds schools, you don’t hold the children’s school programs hostage, contact your legislator to change the law.

My wife and I have been fortunate to watch our friend’s children grow. Now they have children of their own and are fine examples of how their parents, teachers and this community come together to provide a safe and nurturing environment to live and grow.

Remember the opportunities you had that were funded by the communities where you grew up. Let’s work to offer our children the same opportunities as are available in other towns in Idaho and states in America. Please join me in supporting the M&O levy.


Bonners Ferry