Monday, February 10, 2025

Help democracy work, open Idaho's primaries

| July 6, 2023 1:00 AM

Remember when then U.S. Rep. Raúl “Nobody Dies” Labrador said that nobody dies from not having health insurance? We, the voters, then passed Medicaid expansion through the citizens' initiative process and put that self-serving myth to rest.

Now, in a position to interfere with all citizens' initiatives Idaho Attorney General Raúl “Nobody Votes” Labrador is attacking all of us, not just those facing terminal diagnoses.

Ignoring his duty to be impartial and lawful, state Attorney General Labrador produced titles for the Idahoans for Open Primaries initiative that are riddled with falsehoods and misleading, partisan statements — a labeling scheme the Idaho Supreme Court has already ruled unconstitutional.

Worse, “Nobody Dies” Labrador announced his intention to sue and demand that the initiative be struck from the ballot, and worse, using our tax dollars to pay for the suit!

The Idaho Constitution does not grant political parties the right to control who votes in our elections, including our primaries, and our Supreme Court has held the right of citizens to elect their leaders is an inviolable constitutional right.

Sign the petition to put open primaries on the ballot. Read more at

Democracy only works when voters do.

