Friday, March 14, 2025

It’s time for the billboard to be changed

by KEN CARPENTER/Guest Opinion
| July 20, 2023 1:00 AM

It is time to think about our wonderful county’s reputation. Common sense, conservative Republicans have turned it into the best place to live in the whole world. They have done their best to make sure it stays that way.

Donald Trump had absolutely nothing to do with this.

No elected official in the history of Boundary County used countless indisputable lies, juvenile name-calling, threats, hateful behavior, and spiteful arrogance to get elected. None pouted like a baby when things didn’t go their way. None belittled those they considered beneath them. Decency, respect, and dignity were not foreign words to them.

They all actually cared about democracy and the way it has turned the United States of America into the greatest country in the world.

In the presidential debate in September 2020, Trump told the far-right extremist Proud Boys to “stand back and stand by.”

Gee, what did that mean?

It meant that Trump would have no qualms about instigating and supporting the violent Jan. 6, 2020, attack on the Capitol to stop the orderly transfer of power by telling his followers to come and “fight like hell” to dispute a valid election. He also spent some time enjoyably watching the violence on TV when he could have stopped it.

When Putin had his army attack Ukraine Trump called him a “genius,"

On April 23, 2023, he called authoritarian dictators Putin, Kim from North Korea, and Xi from China “brilliant” for the way they control their countries.

Why would he do that? Seems pretty plain that he yearns to lead America like they do because he places himself above the democracy that America holds sacred. He recently stated that if elected he wants to expand presidential authority over every part of the federal government that now operates independently. He would then have the power to replace thousands of civil servants if they did not support his agenda.

I’m sure Putin, Xi, and Kim would then praise his brilliance.

All that being said, the Democrats are crazy for having feeble Joe Biden as their candidate. His biggest attribute is that he is not Trump. Biden won the 2020 presidential election because many voted against Trump, not for him.

By the way, the fact that the words Trump and love are both printed within eyesight of each other on the billboard is enough to make me gag. He only loves himself.

Don’t try labeling me as a liberal or a Democrat either. Neither one fits. Nor did I move here with views from another place. My family moved to Moyie Springs in 1958.

The billboard should say, “Welcome to Conservative Republican Country.”

That would sum it up nicely.

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Ken Carpenter is a Moyie Springs resident.