Friday, March 14, 2025

This Week in History - July 20, 2023

| July 20, 2023 1:00 AM

100 Years Ago

C.D. Simonds has completed plans for the construction of a two-story brick building with dimensions of 60-by-25 on the lot west of his drug store building. Contractor Martin Estlund will have charge of the construction. Work will be started as soon as the brick and other building material, which has been ordered, arrive.

The members of the Christian Endeavor Society of the Union Church, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. W.T. James and Mrs. J.F.T. Stamm enjoyed a trip to the top of Mount Clifty Sunday where they spent several hours viewing the surrounding scenery. A bountiful picnic lunch was served at noon.

Several employees of the Spokane International Railway Co. were injured Saturday morning when gasoline speeders upon which they were riding, collided at a point on the railroad above the Blume Hill grade.

50 Years Ago

The number is up to 48 this year of participating merchants in the annual Krazy Days sales scheduled for this Friday and Saturday. Slashed prices, a free pancake feed, a drawing for prizes, a nickel toss for the youngsters, and a Krazy sidewalk sale are expected to draw shoppers from miles around.

Eric Van Zomeren, a 12-year-old Naples youth, rode his racer for wins in heats and then pulled down first place in the final heat of the fifth annual Soap Box Derby in Spokane.

Bonners Ferry heads are already spinning in anticipation of Kootenai River Days, this community’s largest annual event which is just over a week away. The Jaycees and Selkirk Saddle Club, sponsors of KR Days are promising colorful competition and bigger-than-ever cash prizes for the festivities which run July 27-29.

15 Years Ago

A Federal agency has approved a plan to set aside more than 18 miles of the Kootenai River as critical habitat for white sturgeon, the largest freshwater fish in North America. The protected area will begin below the confluence with the Moyie River and extend downstream near Bonners Ferry.

Boundary County Historical Society volunteers have been stitching quilts and researching downtown history for an event from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday, July 19. A quilt festival will be held at the Boundary County Fairgrounds in Bonners Ferry. In addition, a downtown history walk will start and end at Boundary County Museum.

— Submitted by the Boundary County Museum