Thursday, March 13, 2025

Local GOP share thoughts at Lincoln Day

Staff Writer | June 1, 2023 1:00 AM

NAPLES — Local representatives and elected officials spoke at the Boundary County Republican Central Committee’s Lincoln Day event on May 6.

Representative Mark Sauter

Sauter said he was thankful for time spent in Boise representing the people in Boundary and Bonner counties.

He addressed Bonner General Health closing its birthing ward. In announcing the move, BGH officials said the decision was partly due to legislation adopted in Idaho that they said could prevent medical care that is nationally recognized as the standard of care.

Sauter referred to medical professionals leaving Idaho to work in other states as “professional flight.” Looking ahead to the next legislative session this is something he is going to dive into and figure out what “compromises” can be made to keep doctors and medical professions can be retained in both Boundary and Bonner counties, he said.

He added that North Idaho College’s accreditation issues are on his radar, as it is on students, families and professionals in North Idaho.

Sauter is in his first term as a representative for District 1.

Senator Scott Herndon

Herndon spent his allotted time to speak on how the Republican party can be successful in Idaho. He pointed to working as a team, like he does with the Idaho Freedom Caucus, a group of Idaho Republican senators.

“Operating as a team is how we have success,” he said. “And identifying who our allies are.”

Battle in culture, he likened it to a battle in the spiritual realm.

He spoke in opposition to the ballot initiative to remove the closed Republican primary, which would allow the top four candidates to move on to the general election and be ranked by voters, instead of one vote per voters.

He called it a “Wild West run off” and a “free-for-all primary.”

He said that Democrats would be putting forward a ballot initiative to legalize abortion and marijuana use in Idaho.

Herndon also touted a property tax relief bill, which he projected to be 19.2% for homeowners next year.

“Teams work when the team members stick together. We have the majority in the state […] the moral position we hold the key to cultural questions. Team Republican has the truth, we stand on the right side of the wall of questions,” he said.

“Democrats rely on lies and deception to deceive uninformed voters,” he said.

“We prevail, team Republican, that care to be on the right side of the critical issues, not letting Idaho get lost to the Democrats which could happen. We have to stick together and we have a lot to do until the 2024 general election,” he said.

He said the difference between the Republicans and Democrats is that “we [Republicans] have the truth” and “moral righteousness on our side.”

“And we have to commit to each other on these key questions, to stick together,” he said.

Herndon is in his first term as senator.

Representative Sage Dixon

Dixon spoke on Democrats in Washington, D.C. “These folks do not like our country. [They] don’t like our structure of government and their endeavor is to tear it down.”

He also spoke in opposition to forthcoming ballot initiatives and said those in support are a part of a political push by the left to remove the elected representation.

“The fact that you are able to select people to represent you in various forms of government, even local government, in doing so, is key to the freedom we have. It is a key to your voice, we are not a direct democracy, which is what these ballot initiatives are,” he said.

Dixon added that the ballot initiatives remove the voter's voice from elected representation, even though the initiative says it will allow voters more of a voice.

“What it will do is put all the control to a larger body of people in higher populated areas, because that’s where those votes will come from by doing that,” he said.

“We’re at a point in time now when I believe our nation is in more danger,” he said.

“What has been perpetuated in the media and in higher education in different areas is truly a destabilizing large form of government that’s maintained this country for 250 years.”

Dixon is in his third term as representative.

U.S. Congressman Russ Fulcher

Fulcher was the keynote speaker for the event.

The congressman said he would touch upon similar things spoken on by previous speakers, because seeing the same things at the local, state and national level.

“For the last two years we have been under assault in Washington, D.C. The Democrats control the House and the Senate and the White House,” he said.

The assault has been through attacks on the economy, the “so-called lie of green energy,” attacks of personal liberties, tax mandates, open borders and social structures, he said.

He said in November 2022 mid-terms with the addition of five Republicans, the American people sent reinforcements and now the Republicans have a narrow majority.

He said by having a slight majority the Republicans were able to rescind money for the IRS “army,” reinstated in-person work for federal employees, stopped the drain on Strategic Petroleum Reserve, removed operational control of the southern border from Department of Homeland Security Director and the COVID-19 emergency order and vaccinate requirements, among others.

“[We are] reinstating the Hyde Amendment, which means no government money for abortions, [and] passed the born alive legislation, heaven forbid that you have the legal right to kill a baby after they're born,” he said.

In addition Fulcher, along with other Republicans, initiated investigations on the FBI, Department of Justice, Hunter Biden and the DHS.

“Ultimately, just like right here, in Boundary County, just like in Boise, it just boils down to leadership,” he said.

He said in order to keep the republic form of government, there are a couple prerequisites for citizens; be educated and be engaged, or else someone else will.

There is an undeniable link between the constitution of this nation and biblical principles, he said.

He quoted Second Chronicles 7:14, that if people humble themselves and pray, seek God, and turn from their wicked ways then God will hear them in Heaven forgive their sin, and will heal their land.

“Throughout our history, this is not the only tough time we've ever had,” he said, noting there is still hope. “And every single time Americans have risen up. I would argue it was because of God’s grace and God’s divine guidance.”

Fulcher is in his second term as congressman.


(Photo by Emily Bonsant)

Senator Scott Herndon speaking at Lincoln Days.


(Photo by Emily Bonsant)

Representative Mark Sauter speaks at Lincoln Days.


(Photo by Emily Bonsant)

Representative Sage Dixon speaks at Lincoln Days.