Friday, March 14, 2025

Multi-church Vacation Bible School announced

| June 29, 2023 1:00 AM

Over 10 years ago, four Bonners Ferry churches came together to organize a quality vacation bible school for children entering kindergarten through the sixth grade.

This tradition continues July 11-13 (Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday) at the United Methodist Church, 6568 Lincoln, from 12:30-4 p.m. A closing program/reception/refreshments for friends and family will immediately follow the end of the three-day program on Thursday.

The theme of “God Made it All and It was Good!” will be emphasized through Bible lessons, music, crafts and science discovery projects, with a Mission Project of learning about the necessity of clean water, in support of a program for finding/drilling clean-water wells in Guatemala, led by Steven and Jessalyn Willis. Snacks and games with old and new friends will accompany unique discovery events, such as a visit from “Maggie” (Idaho Farm Bureau's life-size cow which teaches “milking.”), as we view God's creation, from tiny insects to animals to giant galaxies.

Early registration forms are available at the United Methodist Church, Church of the Nazarene, Springs of Living Water-FMC, Trinity Lutheran Church and The Hair Connection. Visit us on Facebook @BonnersFerryVBS — (AKA Bonners Ferry Multi-Church VBS) or call 208-255-9847 for further information.