Thursday, March 06, 2025

Bohachek, Colson offer experienced leadership

| May 11, 2023 1:00 AM

The upcoming library board election has taken on new importance this year. A vote for Lee Colson and Aaron Bohachek is a vote for experienced and responsible leadership for all people in Boundary County.

Library boards, like school boards, are non-partisan and secular positions. Yet, there is a new movement in our county trying to merge politics and religion into both our library and schools. Candidates who describe themselves as godly seem to insinuate their opponents are ungodly.

One of the leaders of this movement who recently moved to our community wrote that all of America is contacting her to learn how she removed pornography from our county library, referencing literature that never was in the library. They have created a war of good and evil — they are good, the “others” evil. And they will straighten out the supposed corruption and immorality gripping our town by imposing their own values and views on the rest of us.

Well, I know the incumbent library candidates Lee Colson and Aaron Bohachek and their families. I know they are good people and are generous contributing citizens of Boundary County. They are knowledgeable and have served on the library board with honesty and integrity, working for the best interest of all Boundary County residents.

Please support our library and community by voting on May 16 to re-elect Lee Colson for Zone 5 and Aaron Bohachek for Zone 3, and a yes vote for the 1% local option tax for the city of Bonners Ferry.


Bonners Ferry