Thursday, March 06, 2025

Choose Colson, Bohachek for library board

| May 11, 2023 1:00 AM

Zone 3 and 5 voters choosing a Boundary County Library trustee this election, here are facts:

Public libraries are required to provide reading material and educational resources to all citizens in their community. No group, church or affiliation can control a library’s collection.

No pornography exists in BCL, not now, not ever. Some written material in young adult or adult books may offend certain faith-based organizations but anything in BCL collection must comply with the U.S. Supreme Court’s pornography restrictions. Don’t like it? Don’t read it.

All children’s, teen and young adult books in BCL are labeled and placed in designated areas. YA is for ages 16-20-plus. “Offensive” books shared recently are in the YA area, located outside from the children’s section. Show your children where to select books.

Children under 18 cannot obtain a BCL library card. Parents may add them to a family card but are responsible for overseeing their child’s reading material.

Public libraries don’t operate on personal agendas or run elections haphazardly. They can’t redraw voting district lines. Library directors file required paperwork and follow state rules, overseen by the county clerk; violation of rules leads to undesired consequences.

BCL trustees serve a six-year term on a rotating schedule. By Idaho law, seats are up for election every two years. In the state of Idaho, unopposed incumbents retain their seats and it does not go through the election process. This saves counties money.

Lee Colson and Aaron Bohachek have stood through fire, proving their worth by restoring order to BCL, which is efficiently staffed and fully reopened. At this time, we cannot afford to lose their experience, honesty or integrity.


Bonners Ferry