Thursday, March 06, 2025

Voting Information May 16

| May 11, 2023 1:00 AM

On Tuesday, May 16, city residents have the opportunity to vote on a proposed local option tax of 1% on taxable goods up to $1,000 to fund the police, fire and street departments.

Those living in Boundary County Library Trustee Zones 5 and 3 have the opportunity to vote for candidates also at the May 16 election.

Early voting is ongoing at the Boundary County Courthouse until May 12 at 5 p.m.

Completed absentee ballots must be received no later than 8 p.m. on election day in the Clerk's Office.

On Tuesday, May 16, polls are open 8 a.m to 8 p.m. at the following polling precincts:

• BF/Kootenai: Exhibit Hall at Fairgrounds, 6571 Recreation Park Road, Bonners Ferry

• North Bonners Ferry: Exhibit Hall at Fairgrounds, 6571 Recreation Park Road, Bonners Ferry

• Valley View: Exhibit Hall at Fairgrounds, 6571 Recreation Park Road, Bonners Ferry

• Naples: South Boundary Fire Station No. 1, 20 Stagecoach Road, Naples

For more information on the Boundary County Library zone map, visit the and under the “elections” tab for a large copy of the zone map.