Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Remembering those who made the ultimate sacrifice

Staff Writer | November 9, 2023 1:00 AM

When thinking of those who have paid the ultimate sacrifice for our country, images of rows upon rows of white headstones from Arlington Cemetary may come to mind. This image often comes to my mind, but not because I’ve seen a headstone on the TV screen of one lone name as the camera pulls back to reveal the multitude of stones memorializing the dead. 

No, I remember the perfectly manicured grass beneath my sneakers and the pregnant silence of Arlington. Although the multiple times I’ve gone for Memorial Day, Veterans Day or just a Tuesday in May, clutching my Daddy’s hand, the grounds were littered with people filled with reverent silence. 

The occasional laughter or excited feet of young children were scolded by a groundskeeper, who reminded them that this was “holy ground,” as he called it. 

Through his dark lips and dirty gloved hands he told, even little me, that Arlington was more than a graveyard, but a monument to life and youth lost in the name of something bigger. 

He watched as he went back to his wheelbarrow and directed people to hush as they approached the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. 

Over 20 years later, I still remember that man, and the pride he had caring for the grounds, the headstones, and the memory of those in Arlington. When visiting Grandview Cemetery and checking on a family grave, or when I stand at our local Boundary County Memorial Park, I think of that caretaker. 

Did he have a family member laid to rest there? Perhaps a brother, friend or a child? How many of the names and how many rows of headstones had he memorized? 

Veteran’s Day a is about remembering and recognizing those who came before us. Like so many in our nation's history and even those close to this place we all call home.  

At the Boundary County Memorial Park in downtown Bonners Ferry, the following names of residents who gave the ultimate sacrifice are etched in stone, and we remember them. 

World War I — John A. Eickhammer, 1918; Orville J. Brant, 1918; William H. Atkins, 1918; Louis F. Stone, 1918; Henry Nelson, 1918; Ralph C. Fisher, 1918; Charles L. Zimmerman, 1918; Carlisle Smith, 1919.

World War II — Gordon W. Marcy, 1942; R. Carl Slater, 1942; Raymond Galbraith, 1943; Russel WIlson, 1943; Harold R. Douglas, 1943; Robert S. Johnson, 1943; Rodrick T. Hill, 1943; Dorvill (Jack) Walter, 1943; Floyd C. Suthard, 1943; Walter R. Hendricks, 1943; Burness McFarland, 1943; Wm. Robert Armstrong, 1944; Cecil J. Winter, 1944; Williams C. Fee, 1944; Carl L. Skans, 1944; Cecil M. Lanningan, 1944; Eugene E. Rogers, 1944; Charles Watters, 1944; Robert E. Litalien, 1944; Richard R. Knoles, 1944; Robert A.Gross, 1944; Williams L. O’Brien, 1944; Lyle McGlocklin, 1944; Arthur R. King, 1944; Leon E. Strand, 1944; Cecil R. Welchko, 1944; Harry Swagger, 1944; Andrew A.Middlemist, 1945; Eldon L. Clark, 1945; Charles S. Lamson, 1945; Paul E. Scheffner, 1945; Walden (Pete) Lathrom, 1945; Arthur R. Rogers, 1945; Eldon D. Howard, 1945; Earl L. Yeoumans, 1945; Harold K, Fredricksen, 1945; Ferol Z. Girton, 1947.

Korea — David L. Graham, 1951; Richard E. Wallen, 1952; Robert D. McDonal, 1952.

Vietnam — Keith L. Shipp, 1966; Thomas L. Peterson, 198; Donald R. Thompson, 1968; Robert W. Hansen, 1969; Phillip A. Nichols, 1970; Michael H. Richards, 1971.

Afghanistan — Sgt. Joshua J. Kirk, U.S. Army, Oct. 3, 2009; Cpl. Ethan J. Martin, U.S. Army, Aug. 7, 2012.

At War Memorial Field in Sandpoint, Bonner County honors those who who made the supreme sacrifice for their country in World War I and World War II. Those listed on the memorial are:

World War I — Clarence Billops, Charles Clinton, John Dillinger, Leland Eddy, Julius Finstad, Jewel Joy, Robert M. Kittelson, Ora Long, William D. Martin, Harold Reed, George Venovich, and Carl Widden.

World War II — John A. Anderson, John L. Baker, Edward Bergdorf, Richard R. Best, John Bws, Clarence Blacker, Stephen A. Bliss, Harold W. Bocook, Herman Booth, Frank Bradetich, Dan J. Brockway, Olifford D. Brown, Lewis V. Brumley, Walter W. Buege, Hale R. Burnham, 

Warren Caprai, Clarence L. Card, Rex L. Clifford, Marcel G. Cloutier, Joseph Cox, Albert Cozens, George Crawford, Raymond N. Dodge, James W. Doyle, Ronald W. Doyle, Henry H. Eagen, Eldon D. Evans, Earl E. Everett, John E. Foley, George C. Fournier, Fredlen H. Gravelle,

Robert J. Harrington, Dunston Hartley, Ross H. Hatcher, Rueben C. Hatcher, Allen Hazelberg, William R. Hershey, H.P. Hohn, Robert A. Hulquest, Jesse W. Jenkins, Eric O. Johnson, Jordon E. Keister, Arthur L. King, Francis H. Koffel, Eugene E. Lanquist, Ben E. Lasswell, Frankk Leising, Louis Lucente,

Edard Martin, Robert J. Mathison, Max L. Mickelson, Carl Mosher, Frances Mostek, Raymond Mostek, Clarence McConnell, Murrill McNeil, Mike Naccarato, Lewis E. North, Lawrence J. O'Connor, James A. Palmer, Clyde Price, Harry W. Rathbun, Robert W. Riddle, Jack H. Ridley, 

John S. Reiger, Marvin O. Rinehart, Ivan Rockwell, Arthur R. Roos, Frank B. Saunders, Alvin E. Scheusch, W.N. Shaw, Stanley S. Smith, Gordon Spoor, Wilfred L. Starr, Harold Stockman, Francis R. Stradley, Lewis Summers, Barney Swofford, Joseph L. Taylor, Henry J. Tidd, Frank L. Tiffany, Charles R. Turk, Joe A. Wallace, Lewis W. Wright, and Ray E. Wright.

A second memorial dedicates the field in honor of those who died in service to their country "with the hope and prayer this field shall be for sport and games without the cloud of conflict and the threat of war, that the future participants shall play in peace forever."

Those listed on the memorial are:

Korean War — Charles W. Allen

Vietnam War — James Alton Lockwood, Glen E. Shropshire, William B. Hunt and Eddie D. Mapes

Iraq/Afghanistan — David I. Lyon

    Columns at War Memorial Field in Sandpoint pay homage to soldiers from Bonner County who died in service to their country. The field is dedicated to their honor in hopes the field "shall be for sport and games without the cloud of conflict and the threat of war, that future participants shall place in peace forever."