Tuesday, February 04, 2025

From the Archives - Sept. 28, 2023

| September 28, 2023 1:00 AM

This Week in History — 100 Years Ago — 1923: "An exclusive undertaking establishment will be opened in the Kinnear building, formerly occupied by the Hende Furniture store about the first of next week, according to A.M. Peterson, of Newport, who is here this week, directing the installation of equipment. Mr. Peterson will have associated with him H.R. Crouch, also of Newport, and the firm will be known as Peterson & Crouch. They have a Buick combination hearse and ambulance for use in connection with their business."

This is a photo of Alfred M. Peterson and Harry R. Crouch (brothers-in-law) in their funeral parlor. The men operated the funeral parlor from 1923-1926. In 1926, Peterson withdrew from the partnership. The business became known as Crouch Mortuary.

Harry Crouch purchased the building next to the Knights of Pythias Lodge in the Bonnerport Addition on June 28, 1928. He sold the business in 1944.

The Boundary County Historical Society and Museum, 7229 Main, Bonners Ferry, Idaho, sponsors this column.

Visit the Museum Thursday through Saturday 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., and you can visit the website at www.boundarycountymuseum.org or the museum’s Facebook Page for historical photos and stories, and to see upcoming events. Or we can be reached at doyouremember@meadowcrk.com or telephone 208-267-7720. Thank you for your continued support.