Monday, February 24, 2025

Woodward is the best Idaho Senate candidate

| April 4, 2024 1:00 AM

I met Jim Woodward when he was first running for office. He impressed me with his kindness and genuine interest in my thoughts and opinions. This was true even after his election. A lifelong resident of North Idaho, Jim truly cares about his neighbors. He listens and represents us well in Boise.

I tried to converse with our current state senator and was abruptly dismissed if/when our views didn’t align. The Republican Central Committee today, with its extreme ideas and attempts to sidestep the Constitution (taking away rights and choices) wasn’t the intent of our forefathers. 

I appreciate that Jim believes in the value of public education and  freedom for libraries to offer a variety of choices. Jim recognizes the importance of our state and federal constitutions. He won’t support attempts to rewrite them simply to serve his own personal agenda.

If you care about our community, please mark your calendars to vote in the primary election on May 21. Herndon’s past campaign strategy relied on misleading narratives — but facts are vital. Explore the facts, be well-informed, vote.

If you want to see Jim Woodward take back his District 1 Idaho Senate seat tell all your friends and family to vote. May really matters for us all. Whoever wins this race will be on the November general election ballot. I urge you to get out and vote for the best Idaho Senate candidate, Jim Woodward.

