Wednesday, February 05, 2025

This Week In History - April 18, 2024

| April 18, 2024 1:00 AM

100 Years Ago

Washing of gravel in the ancient channel of the Idaho Gold and Ruby Mining Company at Leonia started last week. Two hydraulic giants are at work on the huge gravel deposits and two additional ones will be added as soon as the snow leaves the mountains.

The Manx Cafe opened for business Tuesday in the Kinnear brick block at the south end of Main Street and the proprietors, Mesdames Tritt and Lilliamburg have been taxed to serve their many patrons.

Deputy Game Warden W.H. Hearthershaw and S.M. Skeels caught a five-foot sturgeon in the Kootenai River Tuesday night and have made arrangements through the Boundary County Fish and Game Association to send the fish to Spokane, where it will be kept in cold storage for display at the Sportsman and Tourists' Fair to be held in June.

50 Years Ago

It may sound unlikely, but she did it. Sabira Michaelsen of Bonners Ferry, a Dutch-born classical musician, teacher and conductor, won the women's division of the Pacific Northwest Old-Time Fiddlers Contest last Friday in Spokane.

The first full-fledged winner in the Bonners Ferry Herald "Who's Who in Boundary County?" The contest was drawn Tuesday by newspaper receptionist Echo Turnbull. Mrs. Ed Unruh, Route One, is going to be richer by $66.50 when she stops in to pick up her check.

The Bonners Ferry and Sandpoint Jaycees recently co-sponsored an "Old Timers Nite." The highlight of the dinner meeting was the awarding of Jaycee International Senator-ships to two outstanding Jaycees, Don Morice of Bonners Ferry and Ken Boehm of Sandpoint.

15 Years Ago

A movie crew will be in Bonners Ferry this summer and extras will be needed. "Started by a Mouse," written by Grant Smith of Coeur d' Alene will be filmed on Main Street on July 11 and 12.

Bonners Ferry Visitors Center has been nominated for a statewide tourism award.

Junior Class Parents will have a Mega Yard Sale on Saturday at Boundary County Middle School. The event is a fundraiser for a graduation party for BFHS Class of 2009.

Submitted by the Boundary County Museum