Thursday, March 13, 2025

Re-elect Mark Sauter as our representative

| April 25, 2024 1:00 AM

Mark Sauter has been our representative for the past two years and has proven that he truly represents us.

In Boundary County, he visits often and is well-known and respected by our businesses, our schools, and our local government. He is very active in meeting with all types of people so that he can do a better job in Boise. For those who know him, he is a solid, sincere, decent, conservative man. He is an excellent listener, reliable, and is not intimidated by the vocal far-right legislators.  

Mark has two opponents in the May primary — both who have professed their allegiance to the Idaho Freedom Foundation, which represents the far-right, religious fanatics. His opponents will vote with the IFF and willfully ignore the concerns of most Boundary County constituents. Mark’s opponents are not familiar with Boundary County and have made very little effort to know our county.    

Vote for the only person who will represent Boundary County; vote to re-elect Mark Sauter.


Moyie Springs