Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Boundary County Calendar - Aug. 8-18, 2024

| August 8, 2024 1:00 AM

Editor’s note: If you would like to have your meeting or event shared with the community, please contact us at news@bonnersferryherald.com or call 208-267-5521.



Boundary County Fair: 8:30 a.m., food booths open, VEC and food court; 8:30 a.m., beef quality judging, indoor arena; 8:30 a.m., all displays and exhibits open; 9:30 a.m., veggie critters contest, exhibit hall; 11 a.m., putt putt mini golf, north lawn; 12 p.m., talent team "movie magic," gazebo; 1 p.m., 4-H/FFA sheep judging, indoor arena; 2 p.m.,  2130 Alpha+ robotics demonstration, black top; 3 p.m., family fun night registration for greased pig content, middle ticket booth; 3:30 p.m., talent team "movie magic," gazebo; 4-6 p.m., huckleberry bake-off contest, entries and judging, followed by tasting, Memorial Lawn; 6:40 p.m., family fun night, outdoor arena. Info.: boundarycountyfairgrounds.com

Bingo: 12 p.m., doors open; 1 p.m., bingo games start; Seniors Hospitality Center, 6635 Lincoln St. 


SPOT bus: free service to Sandpoint; call 24 hours in advance, 208-267-4740. 

Quilting Group: 9 a.m. to noon, Trinity Lutheran Church, 6784 Cody St., Bonners Ferry; make kits and quilts to ship to disaster areas and/or developing countries as well as locally. All welcome; group will teach anyone how to make quilts. Info.: 208-267-2894 

Elizabeth Circle: 1 p.m., Trinity Lutheran Church, 6784 Cody St., Bonners Ferry; women's Bible study, open to the public. Information: 208-267-2894 Boundary County Community Preparedness: 6:30-8:30 p.m.; Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 6865 Alderson Lane, Bonners Ferry. 


Celebrate Recovery: 5:30 p.m. dinner meeting, 6686 Main St., Bonners Ferry; 12-step, Christ-centered recovery program helping you or someone you love recover from nearly every difficulty. Info.: Lisa, 208-597-2531; Joey, 916-544-7898; or email, crbonners@gmail.com 


American Legion: 6:30 p.m., VFW Hall, 6635 Lincoln St., Bonners Ferry; all veterans and families are welcome to attend. Info.: Ben Apo, 206-214-5104 

Al-Anon: 7:30 p.m., United Methodist Church, 6568 Lincoln St. Bonners Ferry; open to anyone concerned about or affected by someone else's drinking. Info.: Naomi or Roger Z., 208-946-5219 

 FRIDAY, Aug. 9 


Boundary County Fair: 8:30 a.m., food booths open, VEC and food court; 8:30 a.m., displays and exhibit areas open; 8:30 a.m., dairy cattle judging, indoor arena; 9:30 A.M., dairy goat judging, indoor arena; 9:30 a.m.-noon, monster cookie contest entries, VEC; 10 a.m.,  2130 Alpha+ robotics demonstration, black top; 11 a.m., 4-H/FFA beef fitting and showing, indoor arena; putt putt mini golf, north lawn; talent team "movie magic," gazebo; 12 p.m., 2130 Alpha+ robotics demonstration, black top; 1 p.m., 4-H horse games, outdoor arena; 2 p.m., talent team "movie magic," gazebo; 2:30 p.m., seed spitting contest, Memorial Lawn; 3 p.m., 4-H salesmanship contest, indoor arena; 2130 Alpha+ robotics demonstration, black top; 5 p.m., talent team "movie magic," gazebo; 5 p.m., 4-H/FFA buyers social, Memorial Hall (for buyers only); 7 p.m., 4-H/FFA Market Animal Sale, indoor arena. Info.: boundarycountyfairgrounds.com


Kootenai Valley Rifle and Pistol Club: 1-6 p.m.; for more information call Bob Young, 208-920-8211. 

SPOT bus: 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.; free, on-request service in the Bonners Ferry area. Call 24 hours in advance, 208-267-4740. 

Bonners Ferry Bridge Club: 12 p.m., VFW Post 3622, 6635 Lincoln St., Bonners Ferry. Information: Mark or Marlean, 208-267-3906 

Kootenai Valley Rifle and Pistol Club: 1-6 p.m.; for more information call Bob Young, 208-920-8211. 


Friday Night AA meeting: 7:30 p.m., United Methodist Church, 6568 Lincoln St., Bonners Ferry. Info.: Daren S., 208-610-4415 

 SATURDAY, Aug. 10 


Boundary County Fair: 8 a.m., Bonners Ferry Farmers Market, north lawn; 8:30 a.m., food booths open, VEC and food court; 8:30 a.m., displays and exhibit areas open; 9 a.m., 4-H/FFA grand champion showman contest, indoor arena; 9 a.m., mechanical bull opens, black top; 9:30 a.m., 2130 Alpha+ robotics demonstration, black top; 10 a.m., talent team "movie magic," gazebo; 12 p.m., fair parade, downtown; 1 p.m., Talent Team, "Movie Magic," gazebo; 1 p.m., stick horse races, Memorial Lawn; 2 p.m., mullet contest, Memorial Lawn; 2:30 p.m., water balloon toss contest, Memorial Lawn, 3 p.m., 2130 Alpha+ robotics demonstration, black top; 3:30 p.m., pie eating contest, Memorial Lawn, must preregister; 4 p.m., Talent Team, "Movie Magic," gazebo; 4:30 p.m., watermelon eating contest, Memorial Lawn; 7 p.m., free family concert with Buffalo Speedway, black top stage. Info.: boundarycountyfairgrounds.com

Bonners Ferry Farmers Market: 8 a.m. to 1 p.m., city parking lot (next to U.S. 95 and the Visitors Center in downtown Bonners Ferry.  Info.: bonnersferryfarmersmarket.org 

Moyie Springs outdoor market: 8 a.m.-1 p.m., outside City Hall, 3331 Roosevelt Road, Moyie Springs. In the event of rain, the market will be held inside Moyie Springs City Hall. 


Refuge Ruck: 6 a.m.-8:30 a.m., Kootenai National Wildlife Refuge; entry level event. Info.: bit.ly/41vXe8W 


Narcotics Anonymous: 7:30 p.m., at the United Methodist Church, 6568 Lincoln St., Bonners Ferry. 

SUNDAY, Aug. 11 


Addiction Recovery Group meeting: 6 p.m., Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 6568 Alderson Lane; meeting held in the Family History Room (north entrance). All are welcome. Info.: 971-940-4176 

MONDAY, Aug. 12 


Boundary Amateur Radio Club NET: 7 p.m., Black Mountain repeater (frequency 146 960) with a negative 600 kHz offset and PL tone of 123. All licensed operators invited to check in. Info.: w7bfi.com 


Boundary County commissioners meeting: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., 6452 Kootenai St., Bonners Ferry; all meetings open to public unless specifically restricted by Idaho Code. Info.: boundarycounty.us/site-page/board-commissioners 

Overeaters Anonymous: 6:30 p.m., Boundary Community Hospital, 6640 Kaniksu St.; use emergency entrance to lower level conference room. No dues, fees, weigh-ins, or diets; all who desire to stop eating compulsively are welcome. Info.: 208-290-8172 

Kootenai Reservation Alcoholics Anonymous: 7 p.m.,  Kootenai Tribal office. Info.: 208-267-3519. 

TUESDAY, Aug. 13 


SPOT bus: free service to Sandpoint; call 24 hours in advance, 208-267-4740. 


Boundary County commissioners meeting: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., 6452 Kootenai St., Bonners Ferry; all meetings open to public unless specifically restricted by Idaho Code. Info.: boundarycounty.us/site-page/board-commissioners 

Rotary meeting: 12 p.m. to 1 p.m., every Tuesday at Mugsy's Tavern & Grill, 7161 Main St., Bonners Ferry. Info.: bonnersferryrotary.com or their social media for meeting locations.  



SPOT bus: 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.; free, on-request service in the Bonners Ferry area. Call 24 hours in advance, 208-267-4740. 

Mt. Hall Church Food Bank: 12-3 p.m., 1554 Highway 1, Bonners Ferry. Info.: 208-267-8623 

AWANA: 4:30-6 p.m., Grace Church, 6291 Main St., Bonners Ferry; lessons, Bible memory learning, and games. 


AA Meeting: 7:30 p.m., Naples firehouse (except for the second Wednesday where it is located at the United Methodist Church in Bonners Ferry). Info.: Roger Z. or Naomi Z., 208-946-5219. 

THURSDAY, Aug. 15 


Mobile Market: free drive-thru food distribution while supplies last; 11 a.m.-1 p.m., Boundary County Fairgrounds, 6550 Kootenai St., Bonners Ferry; no appointment or documentation required. Info.: 


Bingo: 12 p.m., doors open; 1 p.m., bingo games start; Seniors Hospitality Center, 6635 Lincoln St. 

Friends of the Restorium: noon, Chick and Chop, 6421 Main St., Bonners Ferry. 


SPOT bus: free service to Sandpoint; call 24 hours in advance, 208-267-4740. 

Quilting Group: 9 a.m. to noon, Trinity Lutheran Church, 6784 Cody St., Bonners Ferry; make kits and quilts to ship to disaster areas and/or developing countries as well as locally. All welcome; group will teach anyone how to make quilts. Info.: 208-267-2894 

Boundary County Community Preparedness: 6:30-8:30 p.m.; Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 6865 Alderson Lane, Bonners Ferry. 


Celebrate Recovery: 5:30 p.m. dinner meeting, 6686 Main St., Bonners Ferry; 12-step, Christ-centered recovery program helping you or someone you love recover from nearly every difficulty. Info.: Lisa, 208-597-2531; Joey, 916-544-7898; or email, crbonners@gmail.com 

Al-Anon: 7:30 p.m., United Methodist Church, 6568 Lincoln St. Bonners Ferry; open to anyone concerned about or affected by someone else's drinking. Info.: Naomi or Roger Z., 208-946-5219 


Idaho Department of Labor mobile office: 9 a.m.-1:30 p.m. (except holidays); Moyie Springs City Hall council room, 3331 Roosevelt Road, Moyie Springs; variety of employment services and information. Info.: 208-457-8789, ext. 3314; or email, bonnersferrymail@labor.idaho.gov.  

Boundary County Library Board: 10 a.m., Boundary County Armory, 6556 Main St. Info.: 208-267-3750 or online, boundarycountylibrary.com 

Friends of the Restorium: 12 p.m., Chick-N-Chop Restaurant, 6421 Main St., Bonners Ferry. 

Disabled American Veterans: 6:30 p.m., VFW Hall, 6416 Kootenai St., Bonners Ferry; and Sandpoint VFW Hall, 1325 Pine St., Sandpoint. (Meeting location alternates each month between Bonners Ferry and Sandpoint). All disabled vets and their families are welcome to attend. Info.: Ben Arpo, 208-214-5104 

FRIDAY, Aug. 16 


"Hamlet": Montana Shakespeare in the Park performance; 5 p.m., Lakeview Park, Sandpoint. Info.: shakespeareintheparks.org


Kootenai Valley Rifle and Pistol Club: 1-6 p.m.; for more information call Bob Young, 208-920-8211. 

SPOT bus: 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.; free, on-request service in the Bonners Ferry area. Call 24 hours in advance, 208-267-4740. 

Bonners Ferry Bridge Club: 12 p.m., VFW Post 3622, 6635 Lincoln St., Bonners Ferry. Information: Mark or Marlean, 208-267-3906 

Kootenai Valley Rifle and Pistol Club: 1-6 p.m.; for more information call Bob Young, 208-920-8211. 


Friday Night AA meeting: 7:30 p.m., United Methodist Church, 6568 Lincoln St., Bonners Ferry. Info.: Daren S., 208-610-4415 

SATURDAY, Aug. 17 


Bonners Ferry Farmers Market: 8 a.m. to 1 p.m., city parking lot (next to U.S. 95 and the Visitors Center in downtown Bonners Ferry.  Info.: bonnersferryfarmersmarket.org 

Moyie Springs outdoor market: 8 a.m.-1 p.m., outside City Hall, 3331 Roosevelt Road, Moyie Springs. In the event of rain, the market will be held inside Moyie Springs City Hall. 


Refuge Ruck: 6 a.m.-8:30 a.m., Kootenai National Wildlife Refuge; entry level event. Info.: bit.ly/41vXe8W 


Narcotics Anonymous: 7:30 p.m., at the United Methodist Church, 6568 Lincoln St., Bonners Ferry.  

SUNDAY, Aug. 18 


The Bruce Festival: 11 a.m.-6 p.m., Boundary County Fairgrounds, 6567 Recreation Park Road, Bonners Ferry; event celebrating the 750th birthday of Robert the Bruce, King of Scotland, and promoting region's rich Scottish and Irish heritage; sword fighting demonstrations, storytelling, history lessons, activities, bagpipes and more. Info.: thebrucefestival.com


Addiction Recovery Group meeting: 6 p.m., Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 6568 Alderson Lane; meeting held in the Family History Room (north entrance). All are welcome. Info.: 971-940-4176