Wednesday, March 12, 2025

This Week in History - Aug. 8, 2024

| August 8, 2024 1:00 AM

100 Years Ago 

A number of high school students from various parts of the county are beginning to look for homes in Bonners Ferry where they can work for their board and room while attending school. 

The bureau of highways of the State of Idaho is calling for bids for the construction of a concrete bridge over Mission Creek, near Copeland, on federal land - project No.77. 

George W. Tautfest took his oath of office as County Superintendent of Schools on August 2, having been appointed to succeed Mrs. E. Plato, who resigned on account of her health.  Mr. Tautfest was principal of the Northside School last year and is a Republican candidate for Superintendent. 

50 Years Ago 

Charles Kramer has definite feelings about animals and their feelings and reactions about human beings. And he has a good opportunity to study them: for Kramer and his wife, Donella, of the Stampede Lake Game Farm in Naples, have acted as "foster parents" to scores of animals over the past 20 years. 

Pilots and student pilots interested in joining a flying club in Boundary County are invited to attend an organizational meeting in the commissioner room at the courthouse Monday night. 

The second annual Ag Enterprise of the Year Picnic is planned for this Sunday, August 11, beginning at 10 a.m. at the Jaynbee Ranch. 

15 Years Ago 

Linda Tanaka was recently appointed vice-chairwoman of public relations for Hall Mountain Volunteer Fire Dept Auxiliary. 

This year's huckleberries are plentiful and good size, but they're not selling, said seasoned picker Art Morin. "I like to get $35 a gallon, but the market is very weak and I'm not sure why," Morin said. 

Several hundred strikes of lightning hit in Boundary County during last week's thunderstorm, according to Dan Myers, assistant fire management officer for the U.S. Forest Service's Bonners Ferry Ranger District

~Submitted by the Boundary County Museum