Friday, March 14, 2025

This Week in History - Aug. 22, 2024

| August 22, 2024 1:00 AM

100 Years Ago 

A Bonner-Boundary county Farmers' Union Picnic will be held at Stampede Lake, near Naples, on Labor Day, to which all farmers and their friends are cordially invited.  The purpose of the meeting, according to W.C. Brandenburg,  from Local No.53 of Bonners Ferry, is to have a good time and bring the farmers into closer touch with each other and solve some of the problems of the day. 

Members of the Board of Directors of the Boundary County Fair Association met last night and perfected plans for lengthening the race track at the fairgrounds to practically one-half mile. When completed the track will be 400 feet short of a half mile, but half mile races will be run, say officials of the association, by starting the horses 400 feet ahead of the wire. 

The Bonners Ferry Canning Company's plant near the S.I. depot has been running every other day the past two weeks and quite a number of local people have visited the plant and expressed surprise of the array of machinery and the efficient manner in which the work is being done. 

50 Years Ago 

The Boundary County Sheriff's Office has applied to the Idaho Law Enforcement commission for an $80,000 planning commission grant to renovate the vocational-agriculture building next to the old high school as a public safety center. 

Gov. Cecil Andrus this week declared a state of emergency in Idaho because of the fire threat. 

County businessmen and heads of community organizations are reminded that the 1974 Fair Royalty Selection Luncheon will be held Wednesday, Aug. 28, at the Lantern Cafe beginning at noon. The purpose of the no-host luncheon will be to meet the candidates. 

15 Years Ago 

Badger Building Center within one to two years plans to construct a store in Bonners Ferry, according to owner Lee Badger. 

Students and parents interested in North Idaho College's dual credit program should attend an information session. WINGS gives high school juniors and seniors the opportunity to enroll in NIC classes for both high school and college credit, giving them a head start on their college career. 

The second annual Art Faire will be held Friday through Sunday at Naples Gallery. Performing, visual and culinary artists from the region will be featured during this free event. 


~Submitted by the Boundary County Museum