Friday, March 14, 2025

Celebrating Idaho's spirit of freedom

by U.S. SEN. MIKE CRAPO / Contributing Writer
| December 12, 2024 1:00 AM

Idaho, home to more than 119,000 veterans, is brimming with a sense of duty to our country and a deep respect for those who have backed our freedoms with their lives.

Every November since 2002, I have had the great opportunity to honor some remarkable Idaho veterans and volunteers for their outstanding service to our country and its veterans with the Spirit of Freedom: Idaho Veterans Service Award.  The 15 veterans and volunteers recognized this year with the Spirit of Freedom Award are yet another reminder of the Idahoans, many unrecognized, who ensure our country’s spirit of freedom is never dimmed.

Those awarded this year range from a World War II veteran, who served as reinforcements for troops fighting during the Battle of the Bulge and earned honors for his outstanding service that include the Bronze Star, to a U.S. Navy-commissioned medical student who was instrumental in making a hangout at an Idaho veterans home “safe and fun” for veteran residents.  The honorees include a Vietnam War veteran who after experiencing how the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington, D.C., helped him cope with the trauma of the war worked to bring a replica of the wall to the Treasure Valley to provide that opportunity to local veterans and their families. 

Another awardee is a restaurant owner who serves veterans through providing second-chance employment opportunities at his restaurant.  And a veteran who served decades in the U.S. Air Force, including in the highest enlisted rank attainable at an Air Force Base, has been a staunch advocate for veterans, including his co-founding of the Idaho Veterans Olympics.  

A complete list of the 15 recipients of the 2024 Spirit of Freedom Award follows, and summaries of their service and the service of past Spirit of Freedom Award recipients are posted on my official website,


  • Dan Gandy, Pocatello;
  • Dave Howerton, Boise;
  • Donald (Don) Lawrence, Lewiston;
  • John M. Martinez, Twin Falls;
  • Benjamin McDonald, Kuna;
  • Chad Rohr, Boise;
  • Ed Samuel, Boise;
  • Spencer Sawyer, Meridian;
  • Bobby Doyle Tettleton, New Plymouth;


  • Earl Coffman, Pocatello;
  • Mike (MJ) Jennings, Boise;
  • Tammy Sue Mikan, Boise;
  • Travis Polek, Asotin, Wash.
  • Tom Ressler, Meridian; and
  • Kevin Urlaub, Boise.

Veterans organizations across Idaho nominate the awardees, and I thank them for taking the time to bring these good works to our attention.  This year, those organizations include American Legion Post 113; Bannock County Veteran Services; Idaho Army National Guard Chaplain Corps; Idaho Veterans Assistance League; Idaho State Veterans Homes in Boise and Lewiston; Mission43; a Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) Past District 5 Commander; VFW Post 4000; and Veteran Readiness & Employment.  If interested in submitting nominations for the 2025 Spirit of Freedom Service Award, please contact Courtney Lehosit in my Boise office, at 208-334-1776. 

We can be immensely proud of the commitment to serving others which is a point of unity across our great State.  Over the years, I have noticed that many of those nominated for Spirit of Freedom Awards are veterans who continue to serve fellow veterans, military families and countless others in their communities.  Other awardees come from military families, where commitment to country and service were instilled at young ages.  Others simply want the opportunity to spend time with and help those who have put our country before themselves.  When the actions of those serving others in our country are witnessed by others, this spirit of freedom grows, and we are beyond fortunate. 

Mike Crapo represents the state of Idaho in the U.S. Senate. He can be reached at