Monday, March 03, 2025

Woodward won't be swayed by IFF propaganda

| February 22, 2024 1:00 AM

I agree with only one thing that I read in Fay Almond’s letter last week. 

Scott Herndon definitely stands for the so-called Idaho Freedom Foundation lobby’s principles. In doing so, he is working only for that special interest organization. 

I do not understand why more good, solid Republicans do not turn their backs on the IFF and people like Scott Herndon, who march in lock-step with it.

On the other hand, I was very happy to read that Jim Woodward, who is not in the pocket of special interests, received an F from IFF for his voting record, a badge of honor he earned while serving as our state senator.

Jim Woodward helped Idaho citizens get ahead and would have done even more, were it not for IFF.

I’m glad Jim Woodward is strong and willing to run again, and I’m hoping voters won’t be swayed by IFF propaganda this time.


Bonners Ferry