Friday, March 14, 2025

Pool offers additional swimming lessons

Staff Writer | July 25, 2024 1:00 AM

BONNERS FERRY — If your young ones still need swimming lessons, the Bonners Ferry Municipal Pool is now offering additional lessons starting Aug. 5-16.  

These lessons included levels 1 to 6 and even a “Mommy and Me” class for ages 0-3-year-olds at 11:20 a.m., limited space to nine adults.  

Signup forms are available at the Bonners Ferry City Hall, 7232 Main St. Classes run for about 30 minutes.  

“So far this summer, we have taught swim lessons to 360 children,” said David Hatch, Bonners Ferry pool manager. “Each summer, approximately 450 children attend our classes with Levels 1 through 4 being the most popular.” 

In 2020, the city received a grant that provided additional funding to extend the pool’s season.   

“Since then, we have continued to provide a fifth session contingent on having enough lifeguards to provide for the public’s safety and teach the classes,” Hatch said. “This is funded with the normal operating budget of our pool.” 

“With that extension and lifeguard availability I was able to add a fifth session to accommodate those members of our community that were unable to register for a class before they filled up,” Hatch said.  

“I make the determination on providing the fifth session entirely on lifeguard availability. Our lifeguards are amazing people; they also tend to be very engaged in community activities and school,” he said. “This can present some challenges for scheduling so the decision to stay open until Labor Day and provide one more session of swim lessons is made when I can be certain that we have adequate staffing. Considering the nationwide shortage of qualified lifeguards, we are blessed to have enough to provide the service our community deserves.” 


The fifth session is also a time for testing new programs at the pool. In 2020, the pool added an adult swimming class.  

“Two members of our community learned to swim after a lifetime of apprehension about the water,” Hatch said.   

This summer, the pool has added a class for infants and their parents. 

“Historically, these classes are referred to as ‘Mommy and Me’ classes but obviously either parent is welcome,” he said. “When a child starts lessons at Level 1 we have to help them overcome some of the fears that they may have. Fear of getting their face in the water is a common one in that age group." 

The infant classes give children a head start toward developing a comfort level in the water, he said. Being comfortable with submerging and floating in the water enables a swimmer to learn other lifesaving skills.