Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Larson seeks state representative seat

Hagadone News Network | March 7, 2024 1:00 AM

Kathryn Larson wants voters to know they have options when it comes to the general election this November.

The North Idaho resident is seeking a seat in the Idaho House of Representatives in District 1B.

“Voters want qualified candidates who will not get tangled up in culture wars,” Larson said. “We Idahoans are not defined by the R or D on our voter registration. We are neighbors who care about our quality of life here in North Idaho. We want representation.”

Larson's platform centers around excellent public schools, high-quality health care, and a sound infrastructure driven by principles of local focus, freedom and an economy that works.

“We have real opportunities for economic prosperity,” Larson said. “We have bountiful resources to protect and we have difficult challenges in our rural District 1. Yet, our representatives are busy layering inappropriate state government oversight and writing laws that bypass our local authority entirely. It doesn’t make sense. It’s time for a change.”

Larson moved to North Idaho in 2015 and said that just like when she was a child — moving 11 times before she reached high school — she feels like the “new kid at school” again, trying to learn about the issues that matter most to the residents on the Panhandle.

“I am so thankful to have lived and worked around the globe, advising the top leaders of common brands,” she said. “I've learned working with local leaders that the people here are every bit as smart and competent as those people running giant companies. Investing my time locally is fulfilling and worthwhile.”

Larson said she has developed a reputation for working across continents and industries to negotiate, understand complexity, achieve consensus, and build internal capability to fix broken systems. She’s worked with organizations as large as UPS and the U.S. Air Force and as small as her own little tech company.

“I’ve observed a disturbing trend in the Idaho Legislature to shift the financial burden from state and federal dollars to the county and city taxpayers. This leads to more lawsuits funded by taxpayers … more costs associated with changes and new restrictions … more distraction from issues that need attention,” Larson said. “As a citizen with experience in complex problem solving, I feel a duty to step up and offer to serve. I hope to change the conversation and reduce the drama.”

Larson experienced the system from within as she raised three small children in a household below the poverty level and worked nights at a local restaurant. She knows what it’s like to struggle to feed her family. She knows what it’s like to have a small business and the burdens and structure that make it harder to get loans and weather economic events such as 9/11. Through a loan program for women, she had the opportunity to return to school and realize her potential in the business world.

“I was given the opportunity to turn things around and I’d like to work to make sure others have that opportunity too. I’ve worked all over the world. And, I choose to focus my efforts on North Idaho … where my husband grew up building their family cabin on Priest and where we enjoy the wilderness today,”  Larson said

Learn more about Larson’s platform at