Thursday, February 13, 2025

From the Archives - March 28, 2024

| March 28, 2024 1:00 AM

An ordinance consolidating the villages of Bonnerport and Eaton, Kootenai County, Idaho ran in the March 18, 1899 Kootenai Herald. Section 9 read: Be it ordained “that this ordinance shall take effect and be in force on and after the 1st day of April, A.D. 1899.” The ordinance adopted the name of “Bonners Ferry” for the village and stated the terms of consolidation.

Section 1- “…consolidated so as to form one village and one corporation...”

Section 2- …description and “boundaries of said consolidated village….”

Section 3- “…the name of Bonners Ferry is hereby adopted…”

Section 4- “…all ordinances, rules and regulations of Bonnerport remain in force…”

Section 5- “…all records and documents of Eaton be turned over to the consolidation…”

Section 6- “… all claims, debts or demands against Bonnerport and Eaton be paid by consolidated village…”

Section 7- “… all claims and demands in favor of either village become property of Bonners Ferry…”

Section 8- “…the Board of Trustees of Bonnerport are deemed the Board of Bonners Ferry until the next annual election, April 4, 1899.”

And Section 9- “…take effect and be in force on and after the 1st day of April, A.D. 1899.”

The April 8, 1899 Kootenai Herald announced the results of the election. “At the town election, the following were elected trustees: Wm. VanGasken, W.L. Kinnear, Frank M. Lucas, James Casey and Julius Quist. The new board has organized with the election of W.L. Kinnear as chairman.” The village hired S.D. Taylor, clerk and E.L. Little, treasurer.

As ordained, the village of Bonners Ferry, Idaho became incorporated on April 1, 1899. Let’s all wish the town a Happy 125th Birthday - on April “Fools Day?” 

The Boundary County Historical Society and Museum, 7229 Main St., Bonners Ferry, Idaho, sponsors this column.

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