Friday, March 14, 2025

From The Archives - May 9, 2024

| May 9, 2024 1:00 AM

There is a funny story in This Week in History ~ 100 years ago: “Mrs. L.L. Kades found gold nuggets to the value of 60 cents in the craw of a Rhode Island Red hen she killed Monday. The nuggets, which were worn smooth and round, were subjected to several tests by W.E. Drake, of Howe's Jewelry Store, to make sure they were actually gold.”

In April 1907, O.F. Howe from Palouse purchased E.M. Brown’s jewelry business. He conducted the business in Brody’s Red Cross Pharmacy. Howe, also an optician, had a fine stock of jewelry, and did “all kinds of watch, clock, and jewelry repairs."

W.E. Drake opened a watch and jewelry repair business in 1915. He operated his shop in Simond’s Drug Store. In April 1918, Drake accepted a position as jeweler and watch repairer with the Smith Jewelry and Optical Company in Miles City, Mont. A deal was made with O.F. Howe to purchase Drake’s stock of watches, silverware, and jewelry, as well as his watch repair business.

By September 1920, W.E. Drake and family had arrived back in Bonners Ferry. He returned to accept a position in Howe’s Jewelry Store. Thus, in 1924, Drake ran tests on the gold nuggets found in Mrs. Kades’ hen. Yes, they were actually gold.

Now, doesn’t this bring up a lot of questions?

The Boundary County Historical Society and Museum, 7229 Main St., Bonners Ferry, Idaho, sponsors this column.

Visit the museum Thursday through Saturday from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., or visit the museum's website at or its Facebook page for historical photos and stories, and to see upcoming events. The museum can be reached at or by telephone at 208-267-7720.  Museum officials thank community residents for their continued support.