Friday, March 14, 2025

Let's keep Idaho, Idaho; vote for Woodward

| May 9, 2024 1:00 AM

Let’s make Idaho, Idaho.” What does that mean? Idaho is being invaded. Invaded by outside money, influences and ideologies which if left unchecked I fear will ruin the Idaho that I have come to love for over 40 years.

I have known Jim Woodward for more than 25 years in many capacities: the owner of a construction company, a dutiful, caring and faithful father and husband, a veteran who served our country proudly and lastly as a thoughtful and insightful state senator. A senator who voted for the constituents he represented; not voting as far, far right funded groups or affiliations wanted him to vote.

One of Jim’s most passionate issues is and continues to be the education of our children, the adequacies of a quality education in conjunction with the funding sources of that education and the tax burdens on Idaho citizens. Not an easy task.

He will not vote along the Idaho Freedom Foundation's stated goals of abolishing public education in Idaho as our current state senator has repeatedly done. Issues such as these and others which are being funded by outside Idaho sources, debated and embellished and are currently at work to deceive the Idaho voter.

So, yes; elect Jim Woodward to the office of state senator for Idaho and for the interests of the residents of Bonner and Boundary counties. Please put a man of honesty and integrity back into the seat to represent North Idaho. Please vote on May 21 for Jim Woodward.    


Bonners Ferry