Sunday, February 23, 2025

JUNE NIBJ: Rotary donates book vending machines at Mt. Hall

Staff Writer | May 15, 2024 1:00 AM

MT. HALL — The Rotary Club of Bonners Ferry donated a book vending machine to Mt. Hall Elementary School, including $600 worth of books in the beginning of May.

The school is the northernmost elementary school in Idaho and part of Boundary County School District. 

Bonners Ferry Rotary Club president Linda Lederhos said the club in part decided to fund a book vending machine since Valley View Elementary, another district school, already had one. Rather than accepting money, the vending machine runs on book worm coins, which teachers distribute to students. 

“It’s all about book ownership and encouraging children to read,” she said, noting how excited students were to know they had access to books of their own. 

Each year, Rotary members will be adding more books from a variety of reading levels to the vending machine. The books range from picture books to chapter books for upper reading levels. 

Upcoming Rotary events include the June 8 Free Fishing Day at the Rotary Park and the Kootenai River Days Wine Walk July 17.