Friday, March 14, 2025

Mark Sauter is the best choice for job

| May 16, 2024 1:00 AM

We recently received a political flyer bashing District 1A Representative Mark Sauter. Ironically it is from Jane Sauter (no relationship to Mark) She is running for Mark’s position.

The first point on the flyer was the vote of “No Confidence” Representative Mark Sauter received from the Bonner County Central Republican Committee, contending he failed to represent the party’s platform and principles during the 2023 legislative session. For me, the thought of my representative only voting as directed by the Central Republican Committee is not a person I want as a district representative. I want a conservative Republican representative who reads the bills from top to bottom and evaluates the impact of everything within the bill.

An example of this type of representation is how Representative Sauter voted on H180, the bill that would have authorized Idaho to hold gold and silver reserves. The Gold and Silver bill last year failed.  This year the bill passed (Mark voted against it). The Governor vetoed the bill. He explained the bill authors did NOT account for the costs within the bill. This is known and an unfunded liability. This bill carried a cost to buy gold and silver, a cost to store it and a cost to sell it. And lastly, the GOP authors don’t tell you that the lobbyist group supporting the Freedom Foundation is building the depository in Ada County.

I support Representative Mark Sauter’s Legislative work.


Priest River