Friday, March 14, 2025

This Week In History - May 16, 2024

| May 16, 2024 1:00 AM

100 Years Ago

Arrangements were about completed this morning for the big caravan of Bonners Ferry people which will journey to Porthill Sunday to attend the get-together picnic to be put on by Citizens of the Porthill-Copeland district. Arrangements on this end are Kootenai Valley Commercial Club composed of Chas. Spoor, D.C. MacDonald and W.C. Reid.

A committee was appointed at the Monday session of the Kootenai Valley Commercial Club to counter with the Forestry officials concerning the setting aside of huckleberry patches in the county, these areas to be excluded from sheep grazing permits issued by the forestry department.

At the drainage meeting held at the courthouse last Saturday afternoon a committee composed of Fred Lipp, Henry Guthrie, and E. Des Voignes was appointed to arrange for a second meeting in the near future. It is said practically all of the land owners in a proposed district covering 3,600 acres in the Copeland bend have signed a petition asking the district court to create a drainage district, under the provisions of the State Drainage law, which was framed and presented to the state legislature in 1914.

50 Years Ago

New Chief of the Kootenai Indians, Bonners Ferry Band, is Moses Joseph. Moses Joseph was born near Mission Hill in the Kootenai Valley on April 12, 1903. He has lived his entire life here.

Eagles Aerie 3522 will celebrate its first anniversary on May 24.

Naples fifth, sixth, and seventh-grade classes will present two musical plays tonight, May 16.

A delighted spokesman for the Boundary County Band Boosters, Lon Huggins, stated this week that the recent all-school band concert was again a huge success, being well attended, also very well presented.

15 Years Ago

Bonners Ferry residents Delores Gardner, Sandra Fleetwood and Joyce Schernitzki recently completed training to serve as advocates for residents of long-term care facilities.

A clean-up, work day will be held 9am to noon Saturday, May 16, at Copeland Cemetery. Afterwards there will be a square dance, followed by a pot luck and auction at Mt. Hall School.

Two Bonners Ferry High School students placed first during the Technology Students Association 2009  Annual Spring Conference in Rexburg. Frances Garner won for her design of a clay model vehicle, Elias Gray took first in architectural design for a home.

~Submitted by the Boundary County Museum