Friday, March 14, 2025

Legals for May, 23 2024

| May 23, 2024 12:00 AM

STATE TIMBER SALE CR100497, LITTLE GOBLIN A public oral auction will be conducted at the Idaho Department of Lands office, 4053 Cavanaugh Bay Road, Coolin, ID at 11:00 a.m. local time, on Tuesday, May 28, 2024 for an estimated 2,230 MBF of timber marked or otherwise designated for cutting. In addition, there is an unestimated volume of forest products that may be removed at the option of the purchaser. Prior to bidding, eligible bidders shall present a certified check or bank draft payable to Idaho Department of Lands, or a bid bond acceptable to the State, in the amount of $37,881.30 which is 10% of the appraised net sale value of $378,813.00. The successful bidder’s deposit will be forfeited to the State should the bidder fail to complete the contract. The State will not accept bids from parties who are delinquent on payments on existing state contracts. The average starting minimum bid price is $217.95 per MBF.   The sale is located within Sections 17 & 18, Township 61N, Range 03W, B.M., Boundary County, State of Idaho. Sale duration is 3 years. The sale may include blowdown and/or insect and disease infected timber which may result in additional volume and recovery reductions. Interested purchasers should carefully examine the sale and make their own estimates as to volume recovery, surface conditions, and proposed construction prior to bidding on the sale. Additional information concerning the timber and conditions of sale is available to the public and interested bidders on the department’s timber sale website at Timber Sale Advertisement App - Department of Lands ( or from the Idaho Department of Lands office, Coolin, Idaho. Please note purchaser insurance requirements posted on the timber sale website. The Department of Lands, as authorized by the State Board of Land Commissioners reserves the right to reject any and all bids provided that good and sufficient grounds for rejecting the bid shall be stated in the rejection notice and shall not be in violation of applicable law. If you are disabled and need some form of accommodation, please call (208) 443-2516 five days prior to the date of sale. For text telephone services, please call 1-800-377-3529. Legal#11401 AD#22228 May 2, 9, 16, 23, 2024 _________________________

LEGAL NOTICE The Kootenai Tribe of Idaho will be adding liquid nutrients (nitrogen and phosphorus) to the Kootenai River. The discharge point will be at the Idaho-Montana border, near Leonia, MT. The treatment dates will be June 1st to the 30th of September, 2024. The effective treatment distance will be to Bonners Ferry, Idaho. The nitrogen solution consists of urea-ammonium-polyphosphate. In order to allow proper mixing for safe drinking water, water should not be taken from the river within 100 yards of the discharge point; swimming should not occur within 50 yards of the discharge pipe. Location of the discharge point will be clearly marked for those boating nearby (approx. 200 meters below the Leonia Bridge). Boating activities will not be affected. Call Brandon Diller (208.304.3052) Kootenai Tribe project manager, for further details about the project. Legal#11407 AD#22289 May 16, 23, 2024 _________________________

The following application(s) have been filed to appropriate the public waters of the State of Idaho: 98-8133 CARIBOU CREEK LAND TRUST PO BOX 277 DOTY, WA 98539-0277 Point of Diversion  SWNW  S11 T61N R01W  BOUNDARY County Source CARIBOU CREEK  Tributary SNOW CREEK Use: DOMESTIC 01/01 to 12/31 0.04 CFS Total Diversion: 0.04 CFS Date Filed: 03-26-2024 Place Of Use: DOMESTIC T61N R01W S11 NENW,NWNW  98-8135 STAMATIA MECHAM 22550 INDIAN POINT RD BOZMAN, MD 21612-9742 Point of Diversion  SWNE  S27 T63N R01E  BOUNDARY County Source GROUND WATER  Use: DOMESTIC 1 /1 to 12/31 0.06 CFS Use: IRRIGATION 04/01 to 10/31 0.2 CFS Total Diversion: 0.2 CFS Date Filed: 04-23-2024 Place Of Use: DOMESTIC,IRRIGATION T63N R01E S27 SWNE,SENW Total Acres: 10  Permits will be subject to all prior water rights. For additional information concerning the property location, contact the Northern office at (208)762-2800; or for a full description of the right(s), please see Protests may be submitted based on the criteria of Idaho Code § 42-203A. Any protest against the approval of this application must be filed with the Director, Dept. of Water Resources, Northern Region, 7600 N MINERAL DR STE 100, COEUR D ALENE ID 83815-7763 together with a protest fee of $25.00 for each application on or before 6/3/2024. The protestant must also send a copy of the protest to the applicant. MATHEW WEAVER, Director Legal# 11412 AD# 22858 May 16 & 23, 2024 _________________________

REQUEST FOR STATEMENTS OF QUALIFICATIONS FOR  PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING SERVICES AND/OR PLANNING SERVICES  AT THE BOUNDARY COUNTY AIRPORT  INTRODUCTION  The Boundary County Airport, as the owner/sponsor of a public-use airport facility, is soliciting Statements of Qualifications (SOQ) to be used in selecting a Principal Consultant to provide “Architectural, Engineering, and Planning Consultant Services for Airport Grant Projects” for the Boundary County Airport. Services are outlined in FAA Advisory Circular, AC 150/5100- 14E, Change 1, Section 1.4.1 (Planning), Section 1.4.2 (Development), or Section 1.5 (Special Services), and may include but not limited to the following project(s):  ENGINEERING  • Procure Snow Removal Equipment (SRE) • Airfield lighting improvements and upgrades • Acquire Avigation Easements - Various  • Perimeter Fence Extensions and Gates  • Airport pavement expansion, rehabilitation and maintenance  • Airport markings (Design/Construct/Maintenance)  • Part 77 Airspace studies  • Grass Runway (Design/Construct/Maintenance)  • Airport development land survey  • Wildlife Hazard Mitigation Plan (Develop/Maintain/Training)  • Vehicle Access Roads (Design & Construct)  • Heliport (Design & Construct)  • Equipment procurement  • Land acquisition assistance  • Safety / Security improvements and upgrades  • Taxiway lighting and signage  • Utility improvements  • AGIS/Instrument approach assistance  • Access road (Construction & Improvements) Aircraft apron expansion  • Obstruction Removal PLANNING  • Airport Layout Plan updates  • Land use planning reviews  • Airport environmental studies  The work may be accomplished during the course of multiple grants. All parties are advised that some of the services may not be required and that the Sponsor reserves the right to initiate additional procurement action for any of the services included in the initial procurement.  If more than one party is selected, the expected projects to be performed by each party will be defined, together with the statement of work and the required services, at the time of the procurement action. The Sponsor will provide notification to each firm of the projects they are being awarded.  Selection criteria contained in the FAA Advisory Circular 150/5100-14E, will be applied with the following numerical rating factors assigned:  SELECTION CRITERIA  RATING  Capability to perform all or most aspects of the project and recent experience in airport 20  projects comparable to the proposed task.  Capability to meet schedules or deadlines.  15  Quality of projects previously undertaken and capability to complete projects without having major cost escalations or overruns.  Qualifications and experience of k y personnel and sub-consultants regularly engaged in 15 the proposed projects.    Capability of a branch office that will do the work to perform independently of the home office, or conversely, its capability to obtain necessary support from the home office. The use of geographic location may be a selection criteria provided its application leaves an 5 appropriate number of qualified firms, given the nature and size of the project, to compete for the contract.  Ability to furnish qualified inspectors for construction inspection ‘if applicable. 5  Understanding of the project’s potential challenges and the Sponsor’s special concerns. 15  Degree of interest shown in undertaking the project arid their familiarity with and 5 proximity to the geographic location of the project.  Capability to incorporate and blend aesthetic and architectural concepts with the project design while accomplishing the basic requirements that transportation facilities be 5 functional, safe, and efficient.  In meeting the Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) contract goal, evidence documenting that the consultant met the DBE goal, or by documenting that it made 5 adequate good faith efforts to meet the DBE goal. (See 49 CFR, § 26.53)    Upon review of the submitted material, the Boundary County Airport may select a consultant based on the submitted material, or reduce the list of applicants to approximately three (3) for oral presentation or interview. A detailed scope of work will be developed with the selected consultant.  Firm consulting fees will be negotiated, utilizing an independent cost estimate as necessary, for the services to be performed under an FAA grant as approved by the FAA. This contract is subject to the provisions of Executive Order 11246 as amended, (Affirmative Action to Ensure Equal Employment Opportunity) and to the provisions of Department of transportation Regulations 49 CFR Part 26 (Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Participation). DBE firms are encouraged to submit.  To be considered for these services, please provide six (6) bound copies, on (1) unbound copy and one (1) copy on a flash drive of Statement of Qualification (SOQ) due by June 14th, 2024 by 2 PM.. All responses must be submitted in a sealed envelope plainly marked “Statement of Qualifications - Airport Engineering/Architectural Services.” The Statement of Qualifications shall not exceed 35 pages. Submittals should be mailed or delivered to the Board of County Commissioners; P.O. Box 419, Bonners Ferry, ID 83805. Late submittals will not be accepted.  Questions or comments should be addressed to David Parker, Airport Manager, 64602 Highway 2, Bonners Ferry, ID 83805 (208) 267-3711, or email Legal#11414 AD#22941 May 16, 23, 2024

NOTICE TO CREDITORS (I.C. 15-3-801) CASE NO. CV11-24-0194 IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT OF THE STATE OF IDAHO, IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF BOUNDARY MAGISTRATE DIVISION In the Matter of the Estate of: CHARLENE J. KALB  and  GEORGE P. KALB, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that ANNE MARGARET KALB has been appointed Personal Representative of the above-named decedents. All persons having claims against the decedents, or the estate are required to present their claims within four (4) months after the date of the first publication of the Notice to Creditors, or within sixty (60) days after the undersigned mailed or delivered a copy of this Notice to such person, whichever is later, or said claims will be forever barred. Claims must be presented to Thomas A. Bushnell, Attorney at Law, P.O Box 1833, Bonners Ferry, Idaho 83805, and filed with the Clerk of Court. DATED this 9th day of May 2024. /s/THOMAS A. BUSHNELL Attorney for ANNE MARGARET KALB  Legal# 11415 AD# 23049 May 23, 30, June 6, 2024 _________________________

INVITATION TO BID NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS: Sealed bid proposals will be received - BY: BOUNDARY COUNTY SCHOOL BOARD FOR:BOUNDARY COUNTY SCHOOL DISTIRCT  BONNERS FERRY MIDDLE SCHOOL ATHLETIC FIELD RESTROOM REMODEL 6577 MAIN STREET BONNERS FERRY, IDAHO 83805 AS FOLLOWS: General Construction Prime Bids for this project shall be received as follows: BIDS shall be due THURSDAY, JUNE 6, 2024 at 2:00PM PST at the Boundary County School Board Office, 6770  Augusta St, Bonners Ferry, Idaho 83805   PRE-BID CONFERENCE: shall be THURSDAY, MAY 30, 2024 at 3:30PM PST at 6577 Main St, Bonners Ferry, Idaho 83805 (Bids shall include all general, electrical, plumbing, and mechanical work shown and/or specified, under one General bid proposal). Bids shall be publicly opened and read aloud at the date and time noted above. Bidders and patrons of Boundary County School District are invited to attend the bid opening. Plans and specifications, bid forms, forms of agreement, etc., may be obtained by bona fide general bidders, and bona fide mechanical, electrical and plumbing sub-bidders, and suppliers at Complete bidding documents for this project are available in electronic form only, by downloading the documents (at no charge) or by purchasing hard copy documents (at bidders’ expense) from the plan room noted above. To be added to the official plan holders list and ensure notification of addenda, bidders must register at the plan room noted above. The Architect and Owner will not be responsible for partial sets of documents obtained from reprographics companies or plan centers. Any and all errors or omissions resulting from the failure of the General Contractor, Subcontractor or material supplier to become familiar with the documents in their entirety will be corrected at the Contractor’s expense.   Questions regarding this Invitation to Bid shall be directed to the office of LTA Architects, 8677 N. Wayne Dr, Ste. A, Hayden, Idaho 83835. Phone number of Architect is (208) 772-0503, Project Architect: Cory Trapp, AIA. Bid forms, Bidders instructions, drawings and specifications may be examined at the following locations: - - Abadan Plan Room, Spokane, Washington - Associated Builders & Contractors, Spokane, Washington - LTA Architects, Hayden, Idaho Idaho law requires that all bidders have an Idaho Public Works Contractor’s License, as provided for by the Public Works Contractors License Act. Project will also require Davis-Bacon wage rates. Bids must be made upon the form furnished, must be accompanied by a bid bond or other surety in the amount of 5% of the total bid amount, and cannot be withdrawn until thirty (30) days after the above stated times of opening. The Boundary County School District, Bonners Ferry, Idaho reserves the right to reject any and all bids, to waive any informalities and to award the bid to the responsive bidder that the School Board deems is in the best interest of the project. In the event the School Board elects to award the bid to other than the lowest responsive bidder, the School Board will declare its reasons on the record and communicate those reasons in writing to all person having submitted a competing bid. If there are two or more identical responsive bids from which the School Board elects to make the selection, the School Board shall have the discretion to award the bid in any manner deemed fair and equitable and in the best interest of the project. Legal# 11416 AD# 23053 May 23 & 30, 2024 _________________________

SUMMONS FOR PUBLICATION ON COMPLAINT FOR JUDICIAL FORECLOSURE AND DECLARATORY RELIEF  Case No. CV11-24-0131 IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT OF THE STATE OF IDAHO, IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF BOUNDARY WILMINGTON SAVINGS FUNDS SOCIETY, FSB, D/B/A CHRISTIANA TRUST SOLELY AS TRUSTEE FOR CSMC 2017-2 TRUST,  Plaintiff, v. RICHARD W. BROWN, CO-GUARDIAN OF RICHARD LOUIS BROWN AKA RICHARD L. BROWN, AN INCAPACITATED PERSON; RODNEY J. BROWN, CO-GUARDIAN OF RICHARD LOUIS BROWN AKA RICHARD L. BROWN, AN INCAPACITATED PERSON; JENNIFER R. BROWN, CONSERVATOR OF RICHARD LOUIS BROWN AKA RICHARD L. BROWN, AN INCAPACITATED PERSON, THE UNKNOWN HEIRS, ASSIGNS AND DEVISEES OF BARBARA J. BROWN; AND DOES 1 THROUGH 20, et al., Defendants. TO: DEFENDANTS THE UNKNOWN HEIRS, ASSIGNS AND DEVISEES OF BARBARA J. BROWN and DOES 1 through 20, inclusive, including all parties with an interest in and/or residing in real property commonly known as 6441 BAXTER ST., BONNERS FERRY, ID 83805: You have been sued by WILMINGTON SAVINGS FUNDS SOCIETY, FSB, D/B/A CHRISTIANA TRUST SOLELY AS TRUSTEE FOR CSMC 2017-2 TRUST, the Plaintiff, in the District Court in and for the County of Boundary, Idaho, Case No. CV11-24-0131. The nature of the claim against you is an action for declaratory relief and judicial foreclosure of the real property currently known as 6441 BAXTER ST., BONNERS FERRY, ID 83805 and legally described as  LOT ONE (1), BLOCK C, MCCOLLS ADDITION TO BONNERS FERRY, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT RECORDED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER IN BOOK 1 OF PLAT, PAGE 54, RECORDS OF BOUNDARY COUNTY, IDAHO Any time after 21 days following the last publication of this summons, the court may enter a judgment against you without further notice, unless prior to that time you have filed a written response in the proper form, including the Case Number and paid any required filing fee to the Clerk of the Court at 6452 Kootenai St., P.O. Box 419, Bonners Ferry, ID 83805, (208) 267-2242, and serve a copy of your response on the Plaintiff’s attorney, SYDNEY K. LEAVITT, at ALDRIDGE PITE, LLP, 3597 E. Monarch Sky Ln., Ste. 240 Meridian, ID 83646. A copy of the Summons and Complaint can be obtained by contacting either the Clerk of the Court or the attorney for Plaintiff. If you wish for legal assistance, you should immediately retain an attorney to advise you in this matter.  Dated 5/13/2024  CLERK OF THE DISTRICT COURT By:/s/Jamie Wilson DEPUTY CASPER J. RANKIN (SBN 9107) SYDNEY K. LEAVITT (SBN 8933) ALDRIDGE PITE, LLP 3597 E. MONARCH SKY LN., STE. 240 MERIDIAN, ID 83646 Telephone: (208) 908-0709 Facsimile: (858) 726-6254 E-mail: Attorneys for Plaintiff  Legal#11417 AD#23148 May 23, 30, June 6, 13, 2024 _________________________

Legal#11418 AD#23162 May 23, 2024

PUBLIC NOTICE Notice is hereby given that pursuant to Idaho code 55-2306, The Storages of Moyie Springs, located at 2993 Roosevelt Rd, Moyie Springs ID, 83845 will hold a public auction on June 4, 2024 at 9 am. All the contents of the described unit will be sold to the highest bidder in order to satisfy a lien for past due rent and fees. The names and last known address of the individuals are Allen Avery and Rachel Avery Snow, 16 or 23 Pear St, Moyie Springs, ID 83845. Certified letters have been mailed. Contents are household items. Legal# 11419 AD# 23186 May 23, 2024 _________________________