Friday, March 14, 2025

This Week In History - May 23, 2024

| May 23, 2024 1:00 AM

100 Years Ago

C.D Simonds announced this week that he is having plans drawn for a new brick building on the lot adjoining the Crescent Garage, which he recently purchased from the city. The building will be the new home of the Bonners Furniture Company.

Judging from the arrangements and plans which have already been decided upon and from the interest being shown by the executive and sub committees and the citizens generally, Bonners Ferry is going to have the biggest Fourth of July celebration this year that has ever been pulled off in an Inland Empire Town.

Electric voltage control devices patented to Grover C. Hubble and W.C. Butler will be manufactured in Bonners Ferry soon by the Hubble Voltage Control Company, if present plans work out.

50 Years Ago

A carved wooden facsimile of a violin which hung from a post and marked the driveway entrance on Katka Face Road to the home of Russell and Sabira Michaelsen was stolen by an as yet unidentified bandit Tuesday night.

Larry Hall was elected uncontested to the School District 101 Board of Trustees Tuesday, and Ray Dinning defeated Wayne Bornemann.

The City Council in their May 21 meeting heard business which included blocked alleys, paving streets, water pipelines, and street sweepers.

15 Years Ago

Boundary County’s average annual wage in 2007 was $27,958 per person. The wage represents a 4.5% increase from one year earlier.

The 3rd Annual Pass in the Grass Lawnmower Race will be held 6 p.m. Saturday, June 6, at Boundary County Fairgrounds.

Children’s author Gary Hogg recently visited Valley View Elementary and helped students understand that writing can be fun.

For the first time, two Bonners Ferry High School baseball players were selected to play in the All-State Baseball Showcase this weekend. Junior Zack Roberts and Senior Greg Taggert were chosen for the game.

Submitted by the Boundary County Museum