Friday, March 14, 2025

From the Archives - Nov. 7, 2024

| November 7, 2024 1:00 AM

The American Scene

"On the following 26 pages, the National Geographic Magazine prints some of the winning photographs in the Sixth Annual Newspaper National Snapshot Awards.

This annual contest for amateur photographers is conducted by 97 newspapers in the United States and Canada. The photographs are judged in four classes: Babies and Children; Young People and Adults; Scenes and Still Life; Animal Life.

From the many hundreds of thousands of pictures submitted in 1940 by amateur photographers, four were selected by each participating newspaper. Then these 388 regional winners were sent to Washington, D.C., to be exhibited in Explorers Hall of the National Geographic Society.

The collection was intensely interesting. Thousands of visitors came to the National Geographic Society headquarters to admire and study the exhibit. The pictures gave a fine panorama of the life and scenery of the two countries." ~ National Geographic Magazine ~ February 1941

In 1940, this photograph, taken by amateur photographer Wallace Gamble of Spokane, was submitted to The Spokesman-Review for the contest. Gamble, born in Russell, Idaho in 1902, lived in Spokane for 80 years. He owned the Checker Cab Co. for 25 years; and he managed the White Elephant from 1971-1981. He passed away May 15, 2002 at the age of 100.

Gamble took this photograph in Bonners Ferry, Idaho ca. 1922. It was taken looking south at the dike between Drainage District 1 and Deep Creek; with the north end of Murphy's Hill (Chicken Ridge) in the background. These horses belonged to Simon McDonald.

The Boundary County Historical Society and Museum, 7229 Main, Bonners Ferry, Idaho sponsors this column. 

Visit the museum, Thursday-Saturday 10 a.m.-3 p.m., or visit the website at or the museum’s Facebook page for historical photos and stories, and to see upcoming events. The museum can be reached via email at or by phone at 208-267-7720.