Monday, March 03, 2025

Pair do well at rifle competition

| November 14, 2024 1:00 AM

Two members of the Kootenai Valley Junior Rifle Team traveled to Spokane on Nov. 2 to participate in the first match of the year, which was the Washington State International Rifle Championships.  Shooters could choose to shoot the match at the Spokane or Tumwater rifle ranges.

Twenty-seven shooters, under the age of 21, completed the course of 40 shots in the kneeling, prone and standing positions. Using a single-shot .22 caliber rifle with iron sites the target is placed at 50 feet down range. To score a ten, the shooter must hit a dot not much larger than the period at the end of this sentence. 

Kyalynn Comer placed eleventh overall and Salix Harris thirteenth.  If women and men were separated, which they are not, Comer would be sixth place for women and Harris seventh.  However, they are separated in two different ways. First is by age, which both girls are Intermediate Juniors (15 to 17 years old) and next by average score, which both are in Class A. 

As Intermediate Juniors Comer was seventh and Harris ninth. Comer would also place fourth in the standing position for Class A shooters. 

If you are interested in learning more about, or returning to, the sport of competitive shooting you are welcome to come give it a try. The Senior team (over 20 years old) meets at the indoor range on Highway 2, on Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. The Junior team (12 -20 years old) meets on Thursday at 6 p.m. Gear is available for your use. 

For information, call Don at 208-610-0226. See you on the range.