This Week in History - Nov. 28, 2024
100 Years Ago
The Ninth Annual Christmas Seal will extend from November 28 to January 1. The campaign for selling the seals in Boundary County will begin Saturday. Bonners Ferry citizens are asked again to join in the national fight against tuberculosis.
A two course gravel street is being constructed by city workmen on the street from the First State Bank corner to the Medbury corner. Gravel is being obtained from the county rock crusher west of town.
Members of the Bonners Ferry Gun Club enjoyed a turkey shoot at their grounds on the South Bench Sunday with about 15 present. George Smith captured high honors when he won three turkeys at the "Miss and Out" events. W.H. Heathershaw made a sensational score when he broke 24 clay birds straight, missing the 25th.
50 Years Ago
The new water pipeline across the Kootenai Bridge is going up. The work is being done by Sandaker Excavating, of Bonners Ferry.
The controversial idea of a countywide uniform building code again came before the Boundary County Commissioners this week. The commissioners are in a dilemma. Generally they feel the public is not in favor of a uniform building code. On the other hand, the commissioners have been informed that unless the county has a uniform building code, residents will not be able to get flood plain insurance.
Bonners Ferry has a brand new business. It is the helicopter business. The firm is Air Logistics, Inc., which is an offshoot of a Louisiana business called Offshore Logistics.
15 Years Ago
In third grade, Zachary Dugger set his sights on the U.S. Military Academy at West Point. A visit from his teacher's son, who attended what's considered the world's most prestigious military academy, was his inspiration. Dugger held true to his goal and is now a junior at the academy.
A Cowboy Fast Draw Match will be held at noon Saturday, Dec. 5, at Good Grief Grill on Highway 95 near Eastport.
Second Chance Animal Adoption warmed up a cold November day by breaking ground for a shelter that will house Boundary County's homeless animals.
~Submitted by the Boundary County Museum