Thursday, October 10, 2024

This is not your father's open primary

| October 10, 2024 1:00 AM

The proponents of Prop 1 say they want to bring back open primaries like we used to have. Back when Democrats had their ballot and Republicans had their ballot and anyone could choose which they wanted when they showed up to vote. 

This is not that. This is a jungle primary free-for-all where everyone is on the same ballot and the one with the most money and therefore name recognition wins. No affiliation to any party, and therefore, no idea what they stand for, and no one to hold them accountable. Then who are they beholden to? The ones who paid to get them elected, not the ones they represent. That's what these out of state billionaires are banking on - the ability to buy politicians. And that’s not even the worst part. After the primary, the top four go to the general election where we have to rank them, forcing people to vote for someone they may not like. 

No, thank you. I will be voting no on Prop 1.


Moyie Springs