Saturday, October 26, 2024

Dan Rose

| October 26, 2024 1:00 AM

Dan Rose is a retired MA State Police, MSP underwater diver (2,000 hours), small business owner, (snow plowing 25 customers/year), and entrepreneur (Loaded Pantz-gun storage). 

He earned a bachelor of science degree in finance and investments (Babson College) and a master of arts in criminal justice (Anna Maria College). 

Rose is married to his wife, Kathleen, and has a son, Bryce.

He can be reached via email at, online at or on Facebook at RoseforIdaho.


1. 100 days is about the entire 2025 legislative session.  The first couple of weeks is committee work on Administration Bulletin review and approval, then creation and editing of submitted legislative bills and committee hearings. I’ll make alliances with conservative, constitutional and liberty legislators. I believe my positions on the significant issues of the day align with more than a majority of long-time and newly registered LD1 voters.  

2. Immigration and tax policy, grocery tax and private and home school funding.

3. 1. First, I would support any law that aids in the deportation of illegal or undocumented immigrants once discovered at the point of government interaction.  Second, I would support legislation that suspends contracts and further denies contracts with the state and local governments for 5 years. if found to be employing illegal/undocumented immigrants. Art. 13, sect 5. Idaho Center for Fiscal Policy, Sept. 19, 2024: “Undocumented immigrants (illegals) contribute $72M in Idaho taxes per year,”   $31+M sales tax, $29+M property tax, $19M income tax! 

2. First, I would support the repeal of the immoral grocery sales tax. Second, pending repeal defeat, I would support a standard $190/ person grocery tax REBATE and the option of an itemized REBATE. Repeal is a high hurdle because of the $19M in out-of-state sales tax revenue.  

3. First, I would support student funding of a $6,000 voucher that follows the student. Secondly, in the alternative of receiving a voucher, I would support a $10,000.00 tax exemption per student.  School districts receive $11-12K in state funding per student, under the title average daily attendance funding. I’m of firm belief that education is a … it’s “my mind, my choice,” school choice kills nothing! 

4. I am against and voting no. On occasion, as in the Proposition 1 Question submitted by Reclaim Idaho, a “left of center” organization,  a policy design that does not address the county cost of implementation, is a citizen unfunded mandate. There is no vote integrity in a local review of a rank choice vote, as tabulation will occur in Boise. The ranked-choice process is not a one-person, one-vote selection, but rather vote assignment to second, third and fourth rounds.  Not identifying alternative, weaker, or, unacceptable candidates throws my successive round vote out.  There is no need to recreate the voting wheel unless one is of a Marxist philosophy.      

5. Idaho does not have a health crisis unless we're discussing vaccination and fentanyl injuries, stay away from both! The underlying question is do we have a choice-of-life crisis.  Proverbs 19:18, “Discipline your children, for in that there is hope; do not be a willing party to their death.”  Principles matter to the faithful!  Current code I.C.18-622 allows for abortion for health of the mother, rape and incest considerations. I believe I.C.18-622 penalties should be modified starting with misdemeanor financial $25K > $50K penalty, before implementation of criminal and license penalties.  I’m sure there’s an abundant number of OB/GYN pro-life agenda doctors who would love to live and practice in LD1.   

6. The Bonner County Republican Central Committee, BCRCC, passed a nearly unanimous 2021 Resolution seeking to remove “Liberal Jim” from the Republican Party.  Currently, the Republican Party refused to endorse “Liberal Jim” by nearly a two-thirds vote. Independent and newly registered voters were solicited to augment nearly 100% support of Democrats to push J.W. to a 2024 primary win. Friends and neighbors, as an Independent candidate, I’m supported by many of the ⅔ of the BCRCC Forums, publications and side-of-the-road standouts and your communications to others will be how I distinguish our representation of your interests.  As Senator Herndon has stated, any write-in vote for Herndon is a vote for “Liberal Jim.” 

7. 1. National policies: 

Central Bank Digital Currency -economic slavery, 

Multiple front wars are a  foundation of force rather than diplomacy, which results in international condemnation, 

Southern and North East Border invasion, to ultimately result in domestic civil unrest,   

A Marxist revolution is long underway:  2016 cheating was not enough for Hillary to win, a Russia, Russia, Russia coup, a fraudulent 2020 election, assassination 1, assassination #2, lawfare, energy-directed Hurricane Helena, funding immigrants over Americans, no oaths of office in cabinet appointments. 

8. This country was founded by divine men, and with certain consult with principled women, on Judeo-Christian beliefs “codified” into the U.S. and the subsequent Idaho Constitution. We first have to get back to a lawful/constitutional society.  I propose to include a constitutional reference to every bill presented.  I would like to see print and radio media make fair (equal and opposite) communications with elected officials to discuss reasons for support or opposition to public policy, especially controversial issues. Town Hall events have limited interest and attendance.  

9. In a strict free market system the answer is no. They do have a responsibility to mitigate artificial extremes by appropriate public policy. I thus see the need for an out-of-state impact fee on home and land purchases  to be used as property tax relief, subject to the permanent waiver of a forgone tax up to the 3% county commissioner vote, with a 10-year moving average  based on a combination of local and national data to determine the end of the imposed impact fee condition. The amount sought by the impact fee, the maximum of a $5K impact fee amount, would be determined and maintained by the county, with reporting to the ITC. 

10. Hosea 4:6.  I suggest voters research their candidates on what they say, do, and have done, actions speak louder than words. I’m an Independent candidate with no obligation to either party, however, I’m decidedly in support of liberty / conservative principles.  I ran a write-in candidacy, as a Republican, against a Republican in 2020.  I and another (Rick G.), managed to get the Republican BoCo Clerk to change the administered oath, so my integrity is not entirely party-driven. Using the office soapbox can be a valuable communication tool. At the state legislature, I would seek to write joint house and senate resolutions, addressed to congressmen and if not “heard,” be used against them at their next election, a backdoor 17th Amendment reactivation.  

I’d like to see local and state elected officials being contributing columnists in the local newspaper.  For direct email and phone communications, see above. 

11. To be able to listen, hear, and respond specifically with factual sourced  information.  Honesty and Integrity.  Representatives ought to say what they mean and mean what they say. A campaign response  is a bond with voters created and made by respective representatives. Most people won’t agree on policy specifics 100% of the time, but the principle of subjects obtained 80% of the time is a reasonable success. The Idaho Freedom Foundation rating system is a measure of conservative principles (small gov’t., less tax and regulations, free markets, and self-reliance).  My opponent's 50% lifetime rating is a proven alliance to Democrat, not conservative principles. 

12. a.)  Is the media in LD1 fair and accurate in their reporting given that major electoral candidates receive a 60-40 split favoring Republicans? The answer is no, thus they are partly responsible for the miscommunication of information that favors a minority agenda, which creates division and distrust. 

b.)  Does a pattern of lawn signs with Woodward (R?) and Larson (D)  indicate that Woodward is a Democrat, or, that Larson is of republican principles? The former, Woodward is a Democrat! 

13. I am a representative of proven liberty and conservative principles in identifying wrongs and making corrections that party loyalists find, at times, objectionable.  My desire is to advance liberty and freedom legislation on the heels of Rep. Scott and currently Sen. Herndon “THESE are the times that try men's souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot [not Dan Rose] will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands by it now [Dan Rose], deserves the love and thanks of man and woman.  Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph.  

What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly: it is dearness only that gives everything its value. Heaven knows how to put a proper price upon its goods; and it would be strange indeed if so celestial an article as FREEDOM should not be highly rated.”  Thomas Paine.