Friday, March 14, 2025

Fulcher is a nattering nabob of negativism

| October 31, 2024 1:00 AM

I lifted this title of N-words from the disgraced former vice-president who served with Richard Nixon. Just last Tuesday, I attended a meet-and-greet event at the Boundary County Fairgrounds for Congressman Russ Fulcher.

Of the approximate 55 minutes of his speech, some of which he fielded questions, Fulcher launched into a diatribe which consumed about 90% of his time. It was shocking to hear such a litany of what he doesn't like, who he doesn't like, what's wrong with the government, and so forth. Congressman, did it ever occur to you how negative you sound? Frankly, he left me with the impression that he hates America. As he continued, I harkened back to a butt-chewing I received from a salty old Marine Corps sergeant-major, back in 1974, when I was a young corporal who desperately deserved it. He lit into me like crap through a goose and said: "Son, let me tell you something. When everything around you looks like a pile of poop, it's time to go look in the mirror. There is where you will find the source of your problem." That was a life and career-changing moment that I have never forgotten. Congressman, you would be well-served to take his advice.


Bonners Ferry