Friday, March 14, 2025

Prop 1 will take away one person, one vote

| October 31, 2024 1:00 AM

Prop 1 will first of all take away your one person, one vote.  Ranked choice is just that.  You rank your choices for office in one to four spaces. You can not use the same name twice.  Then if, of the four you listed, they don't get the appropriate percentage of votes, your ballot is thrown out. If you don't fill out the ballot correctly with four different candidates your ballot is thrown out.

In Alaska thousands of ballots were thrown out.  The voting machines we use in Idaho will have to be replaced by Dominion machines. In Alaska the cost of machines went from $3.3 million to $11 million.  Candidates for the House special election in Alaska had 48 candidates for one seat.  Research on 48. Our ballots are not counted here.  They go to Boise. Results for elections can take up to two weeks.  If you want open primaries you don't want ranked choice voting.  Percentage of voter participation went from over 50% to 40%.

The ballots were so complicated people got frustrated and walked out without turning in their ballots.  The bloated number of candidates in Alaska made it impossible for Libertarian, independent, undeclared, etc. to win.  Candidates do not need to declare their party affiliation.  It is so complicated that Boise will refuse to do recounts and we can't get the ballots back to do our own recount.  There is so much more that I don't have room in this letter.  Don't let dark money, George Soros, or any of the outsiders become the ones running our elections.  Vote no on Prop 1


Bonners Ferry