Friday, March 14, 2025

This Week in History - Sept. 12, 2024

| September 12, 2024 1:00 AM

100 Years Ago 

Dr. H.A. White, E.B. Castleman and Walter Smith returned last night from a bear hunt on Deer Creek with a dead grizzly and a story of a fight that beats anything ever staged in Hollywood. The three, accompanied by Udo Nagel, veteran hunter of the Perkins Lake district, set out Tuesday morning into bear country, heavily laden with packs. After they had been out about two hours, Doc White, taller than the others,  peeked over a ridge and spied what he thought was a porcupine, but what turned out to be a cub bear. Further investigation disclosed another cub and the mother who went into immediate action. Nagel had trouble with his rifle, but Doc began firing. A Cocker Spaniel dog accompanying the party, entered the fray and distracted the bear for a moment when Doc put in the finishing shot. 

A four-pound trout, measuring 21 1/2 inches, believed to be the largest trout caught in Boundary County this season, was taken from the Moyie River Sunday by Mrs. E.E. Saunders with a grasshopper bait. 

50 Years Ago 

Boundary County Historical Museum is ready for occupancy. It is located in the lower level of the new library building with its own outside entrance by ramp or stairway, on the east side of the building through the mini-park. A grand opening is being scheduled for late September. 

Eighty-five members of the Bonners Ferry High School Band will play at Expo on Sunday, Sept 15 at 2 p.m. and 4 p.m. in the International Amphitheater. 

The Kootenai Nation of Indians on Wednesday sent a message to President Gerald R. Ford demanding the return of all their aboriginal lands or compensation for them.  If an answer is not received within five days, the tribe said, it will declare war on the United States of America. 

15 Years Ago 

At least 20 drivers will attempt to win the $2,000 grand prize during the Saturday, Sept 12, Bonners Ferry Lions Club Demolition Derby at Boundary County Fairgrounds. Terry Johnson, who volunteers with the derby, said the number of entrants has declined in recent years, yet the event is always a good fundraiser. 

The city of Bonners Ferry has proposed raising electric and sewer fees for residents and commercial users. 

Bonners Ferry High School standout alumni runner Forest Braden has been hired to assist the UCLA track and field teams for 2010 and beyond. 

Boundary County School District has received $78,980 from the Kootenai Tribe of Idaho. 

~Submitted by the Boundary County Museum