Monday, March 03, 2025

Heirston named September “We Care” Award at Restorium

| September 26, 2024 1:00 AM

Night supervisor Tabitha Heirston has been named the August 2024 recipient of the Ray Olson Employee of the Month “We Care” Award by the Boundary County Restorium Residents Council.  

“Selected for this award by the residents you serve with exemplary kindness and compassion,” her certificate reads. “Your expertise, professionalism and unflappable cheerfulness are essential, but life at the Restorium wouldn’t be the same without your stories and your infectious laughter.” 

In addition to the certificate, Heirston was awarded a $50 check from the Friends of the Restorium, a month’s parking in the dedicated Employee of the Month parking spot, a $30 gift certificate to the Springs Restaurant contributed by the Kootenai River Inn and a bouquet of fresh flowers grown, arranged and donated by grower/owner Paula Rice and the floral artists at Bee Haven Flower Farm. 

Ray Stanley Olson and his wife, Hazel, were long-time residents of the Community Restorium, where they found a home filled with loving, caring people.  

He stayed on after she passed, remaining active, planting the garden that produced fresh vegetables for the kitchen and beautiful flowers for residents and staff alike to enjoy. Before his passing January 23, 2016, he established the "We Care" award to recognize the wonderful staff members who contribute so much to making the Community Restorium such a warm and welcoming home.