Sunday, March 16, 2025

School board kickstarts voter education, discusses program expansion

Staff Writer | February 13, 2025 1:00 AM

The Boundary County School District board presented student awards and discussed both the upcoming levy and school expansion at its Feb. 10 meeting.

Over 60 students were recognized at Becker Auditorium at Bonners Ferry High School for academic excellence in English language arts, math, science and academic improvement. 

Understanding the May M&O levy 

The board approved a $5,000 budget to educate voters on the maintenance and operations levy, a measure that will be put on the local ballot in May. 

The board emphasized the need to express to voters that the levy would not create a new tax. It would replace an existing $2.4 million levy that has not changed since 2015. 

The board is not allowed to put “replacement levy” on the ballot as they cannot legally sway voter opinion at the polls. 

The board will also seek to educate voters on the tax relief offered by HB 292, a 2023 bill that has allowed the district to tax at a lower rate of $69 per $100,000 of property, rather than $96. In 2015, property owners were taxed $285 per $100,000.  

Expansion projects 

The board approved a shop expansion for career and technical education training. 

It also discussed the possibility of expanding the district’s online education program from 100 students to as many as 400, which district administrators found to be the capacity. 

The board deliberated logistical and operational challenges with providing a high-quality online education to so many more students. 

The district would need to establish clear policies, adequate staffing and resources, and more for the expansion to earn the support of all board members.