This Week in History - Feb. 13, 2025
100 Years Ago
This week of February being the celebration of the fifteenth anniversary of the Boy Scout movement in America, arrangements are being made throughout the nation for fitting observations of the week.
Charley Smith of the Curley Creek district, has maintained a place suitable for recreation purposes for several years, but has not, to anyone's knowledge, dignified it with calling it a dude ranch. However, many who have visited his place declare he has the makings of an ideal dude layout and friends are now using their influence to have him list his place with the railroads.
Last Saturday evening the junior class of the high school held their annual prom. A large crowd attended and the affair was a huge success.
50 Years Ago
Mrs. Mary Jean Leach has been named public health nurse for the county.
The Soil Conservation District reported that repairs are planned for the South Hill slide.
Boundary County is finally approved for $26,862 in flood damage money.
Five Badger mat-men are off to the state tournament this week.
15 Years Ago
A federal program that provides financial aid to the unemployed has been approved for the 93 workers who lost their jobs at Welco Lumber in Naples.
60 local children will appear in Missoula Children's Theatre's production of "Robinson Crusoe".
Boundary County Coalition for Families is inaugurating a community wide walking challenge.
Boundary County Museum is one of six sites in Idaho to host the traveling Smithsonian Exhibit "Journey Stories".
~Submitted by the Boundary County Museum