Monday, February 10, 2025

This Week in History - Jan. 8, 2025

| January 8, 2025 1:00 AM

100 Years Ago

Peterson and Crouch, funeral directors, recently purchased a Durant sedan which they are converting into an ambulance sedan.  The new conveyance will be ready for use next week. 

The large plate glass on the north side of Simond's drug store was broken into a thousand pieces Saturday afternoon when it was struck by a runaway team belonging to the Kootenai Tribe. The driver was thrown from the sleigh and slightly injured; one of the horses was severely cut by flying glass. 

The Boundary County Fish and Association went on record Monday night as favoring the creation of a wild game reserve of approximately 230,000 acres in Boundary County.


50 Years Ago 

Clark Eugene Fairchild, son of Juanita and Jim Fairchild, Paradise Valley, arrived Jan. 2 to claim title of first baby of 1975. 

Citizens develop opposition to inclusion of Moyie River in the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act. 

Annette Douglas denies charge of embezzlement. 

David Winn was named Assistant Vice President and Operations Officer at the Bonners Ferry office of the Bank of Idaho. 

15 Years Ago 

Boundary County and Shoshone County are tied at the fifth highest unemployment rate out of 43 counties in Idaho. 

Dayami Flora Lopez is the First Baby of 2010. Her parents are Amanda Mason and Estevan Lopez. 

The third annual "Fill The Bus" food drive is collecting food for the food bank. 

Local BPA students to attend conference at BSU in March. 

Submitted by the Boundary County Museum