Friday, March 14, 2025

From the Archives - March. 13, 2025

| March 13, 2025 1:00 AM

On March 9, 1907, W.O. "Teddy" Rosebaugh renovated his "confectionery store" in the Hotel Casey (site of The Dressing Room). He moved a partition that had separated his Pastime Cigar Store from the billiard room to make space for a lunch counter. His idea was to serve "all kinds of quick lunches" and exclusively handle the "famous Hazelwood ice cream". The decision to expand was to create more competition for Joseph Banning's cigar store. 

By St. Patrick's Day, Teddy placed an ad in the BF Herald listing his wares. "The Pastime Cigar Store carries a full line of High Grade Cigars and Tobaccoes, Candies, Fruits and Nuts. I have just opened an Ice Cream Parlor, where you will be served with the famous Hazelwood Ice Cream and Ice Cold Soft Drinks." Teddy posed with many of his friends for this photograph on St. Patrick's Day. 

In September 1909, Teddy had moved the cigar store into the Knights of Pythias building on Kootenai Street. His former space in the Hotel Casey became the Star Theatre. With a baby on the way, Teddy surprised the public on January 1, 1910 by selling the Pastime to J.H. Hoagland. It was a cash deal. His attention could now be turned to his family. 

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