Wednesday, February 05, 2025
<p>The cast and crew of “No Cure for Love”</p><p>Actors in order of appearance in play, not in photo. Steve Hawkes,
Rhea Verbanick sing, guitar; Melayne Stevens sing; Gabriel Feller,
Brook Wilson, Ashley Wendland sing; Jesse Tobin sing, Larry
Cousins, Deanna Younger, Lisa Palmer, Chris Rawlings, Treva
Rawlings, Lauren Palmer sing, Keith Snider, Lynn Hayworth, Victor
Rae, Victoria Thompson sing, flute, Paul Rawlings, Mila Cousins,
Colleen Mooney, Therese Osborne, Barbara Rawlings sing, Mark
Johnson, Nissa Clark, Gabriel Palmer,</p><p>Written and Directed by Paul Rawlings, stage manager Diana
Tombleson, lights Olivia Stahl with Katherine Star Heart, sound
Richard Young, costumes Mary Esther Wilson, makeup Katherine Star
Heart, house manager  Marsha Semar, publicity Barbara Rawlings,
posters/programs Richard Young, choral assistance Victoria
Thompson, choreography Mila Cousins, computer images Barbara
Rawlings, assisted by Lisa Palmer and Victoria Thompson.  Band
members Gabriel Feller sing, keyboard, guitar, bass; Drew Browne
sing, bass, guitar; Larry Cousins  sing, percussion; Jeremy
Kleinsmith  drums, bass, Mike Palmer  saxophone.</p><p></p>

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The Pearl to open in grand fashion with "No Cure for Love"
October 20, 2011 6:33 a.m.

The Pearl to open in grand fashion with "No Cure for Love"

The Pearl Theater will have a gala grand opening with the presentation of “No Cure for Love” premiering at 8 p.m., Friday, Oct. 21.