Friday, February 21, 2025
Whitetail doe and fawn. By July, most does will have birthed their offspring.

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Oh deer! The fawns are here! Keep an eye out
July 7, 2016 1 a.m.

Oh deer! The fawns are here! Keep an eye out

Everyone thinks whitetail deer fawns are cute and playful; and they are! Last week I was driving by the Kootenai River in western Boundary County when I had the good fortune of spotting a pair of Whitetail twin fawns with their mother beside the road in a grassy open area. They were only a few days old and had some difficulty in managing the terrain and running too safety, but were soon out of sight hiding in the grass and brush. The following morning I saw a single Whitetail fawn beside his mother, he appeared to be only hours old and had trouble walking and keeping up with her, but followed his mother’s lead and was soon gone from my vision, vanishing in the pine trees. I thought how wonderful it is to live in north Idaho where there is an abundance of wildlife and to appreciate their habitat.