Thursday, February 27, 2025
Photo by Don Bartling
Jays are notorious nest-robbers, stealing eggs and nestlings alike. Regarded as a bit of a bully, they’ll steal items from your picnic table or campsite if the opportunity presents itself.

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Steller's Jay: Bold, inquisitive, intelligent and noisy!
December 21, 2017 midnight

Steller's Jay: Bold, inquisitive, intelligent and noisy!

Last week I was attracted to the feeder on the west side of our house and observed a striking bird with a long, prominent, shaggy crest on its head and a long tail. The front of its body was black, and the black extended midway down his back with the wings luminous blue. It was sitting quietly on a tree branch surveying the surroundings. Then it descended to the ground moving with decisive hops of his long legs. It was a handsome Steller’s Jay.