(Courtesy Photo)
Mt. Hall Elementary Christmas program.
January 17, 2019
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Mt. Hall Elementary School Newsletter
Happy 2019! With a new year among us and two weeks off, the students and staff at Mt. Hall Elementary are excited to get back to school. We enjoyed a successful first half to our year so far. We had a lot of notable events: the Mt. Hall Auction, our fall Scholastic Book Fair, and our Christmas Program. Along with all of these exciting events, our students have also made tremendous gains in the classroom as well. Improving reading has always been a main focus of Mt. Hall, and this year we are enjoying the rigor of our new math curriculum. We are looking forward to see how our hard work will pay off. If you would ever like to see how Mt. Hall Elementary and the other schools in our district compare to other districts in Idaho, you can go to https://idahoschools.org/.