Friday, January 31, 2025
There are a few different types of drone used by firefighters. Rotor wing drones resemble more of what recreational drone pilots might fly, ranging from a small one- square foot to a  medium 6-square feet. These types of drones operate nearer to the front lines supporting individual divisions of firefighters to give them a closer look and inform their strategies. Rotor wings can also be used for aerial ignition which burns up existing fuels ahead of the fire to starve it and creates a wider fuel break.

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Mechanized birds: Wildland firefighting with drone intelligence
October 18, 2022 1 a.m.

Mechanized birds: Wildland firefighting with drone intelligence

The robotic birds of the sky, known colloquially as drones, were a menace to the wildland firefighting community. The mere appearance of a recreational drone in the skies near a wildfire called for the grounding of all firefighting aircraft, giving birth to catchy sayings like “If you fly, we can’t,” and “It’s not worth the view.” While these sayings are still true, drones – also called UAS or unmanned aerial systems – are playing an increasingly important role in fighting wildfires.