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Boundary County Calendar - Oct. 19-26, 2023
Boundary County Calendar - Oct. 19-26, 2023

Boundary County Calendar - Jan. 26-Feb. 2, 2023
Community events and meetings across Boundary County for the coming week.
Legals February 22, 2018
Bee Line Water Association Annual Meeting to be held on: Tuesday, February 27, 2018 @ 6:30PM Location: Youngwirth, Davis & Associates 7193 Main Street Bonners Ferry, ID BFH Legal 9850 February 15, 22, 2018

Five BFHS wrestlers place at state
POCATELLO — The Badger wrestlers competed in the 2019 Idaho High School State Championships in Pocatello on Feb. 22 and 23. The team brought home five state medalists, with two making it to the finals.
Sheriff's log
July 9
Boundary County Sheriff's Office looking for missing person, Floyd Eby
The Boundary County Sheriff’s Office is looking for anyone with information on the whereabouts of Floyd Eby as a possible missing person. Eby is described as 66 years old, about 5’6”, 300lbs.
Fourth of July volunteers
BONNERS FERRY — It takes a community of volunteers to bring off an event in small towns.
Abigail Jane Newby, Micaiah Justus Newby
A daughter was born Oct. 3, 2009, at Sacred Heart Medical Center in Spokane, Wash., to John and Jaimee Newby of Bonners Ferry.

Local author releases memoir
BONNERS FERRY — Local resident Mary Friedmann Berges is sharing her story of loss and love with the world in her new memoir, “Finding the Light Within: My Journey of Healing After the Holocaust.”
Women's cancer support group to host Oktoberfest fundraiser
BONNERS FERRY — The Bonners Ferry Women’s Cancer Support Group will be changing their menu this year! Instead of our annual spaghetti dinner we will be serving stroganoff!
Operation Dry Water targets boating under the influence
Boundary County Sheriff’s Office is taking part in Operation Dry Water to deter boating under the influence, a national boating under the influence enforcement and education campaign.
PHD hosting vaccine safety symposium
Panhandle Health District is inviting the public to attend a vaccine safety symposium on Thursday, Oct. 6. The two-hour event will provide an opportunity to learn about and discuss vaccine safety, risks and benefits for school-aged children.

Blood Drive scheduled for November
The November Vitalant Blood Drive will take place over two days and donors will have the chance to win one of five $5,000 prepaid gift cards.

Missing twin girls found Wednesday afternoon
Two missing twin girls were found Wednesday afternoon.

Commissioners to host town hall meeting Jan. 18
The Boundary County commissioners will be hosting a town hall meeting on January 18, to explain county departments and take community input.

Second Harvest Inland Empire Food Distribution
Second Harvest Inland Empire will return to Bonners Ferry with their free food distribution on Friday, March 4.

Police log - 10/12 - 10/19
Police log - 10/12 - 10/19

Homecoming Events 2022
Bonners Ferry High School Homecoming festivities are taking place Friday Sept. 23.
Legals June 14, 2018
The following is a synopsis of the official Boundary County Commissioners' minutes per Idaho Code 31-819. Detailed minutes are available for public inspection at the Auditor's Office in the Courthouse during normal working hours. Minutes of open meetings held on April 2, 2018 through April 30, 2018. Approved Motions: Resolutions RE: Pay for Use Agreements through Caterpillar Financial Svcs, Justice Fund Sheriff budget; Sign: Deeds for properties sold at tax deed auction, Updated Bylaws for Boundary Community Hospital Board of Trustees, Certificates of Residency, Equip. Contract with Pacific Office Automation for new copy/printer/scanner machine, IDEQ grant offer for regional sewer feasibility study, Dept. of Agriculture Award for Selkirk Coop. Weed Mgmt Area, Pay for Use Agreement for 2018 140M3 AWD Motor Grader, LHTAC Local Agreement-2018 Local Hwy Safety Improvement Prog., Group Guardrail proj. Crossport Rd & Cow Crk Rd Guardrail, Releases of Liability to take tires from landfill, Agreement for Prof. Svcs with HMH, LLC. for Deep Creek Loop MP 1.1 slide repair, Key No 19046 Local Prof. Svcs Agreement for Ruby Creek #2 Bridge, Phase II Final Design, Ground/Hangar Lease with Lindall Baker, Limited Use Permit for Streamflow Measuring Station Structure; FY19 Indigent Defense Grant Application, IDHW Contract for study of Culex mosquitos, Rural Economic Development Prof. Grant Match letter to the IDOC; 3 indigent matters; Appoint/reappoint various advisory board members; 3/5-3/6, 3/26-3/27, 4/2-4/3, 4/9-4/10, 4/16-4/17/18 minutes; Treasurer's report of county accounts; Seek written sealed proposals for parcels that did not sell at tax deeded property auction; Cancel/extend various taxes; Ratify electronically signing agreement with SiteLock. Denied Motions: 2 indigent matters. Commissioners reviewed claims for payment. Fund totals are as follows: Current Expense ($)32,349.72, Rd/Bridge 148,976.53, Airport 3,863.05, Dist. Court 2,294.45, Justice Fund 30,092.05, 911 Funds 2,043.14, Indigent/Charity 22,385.36, Jr. College Tuition 46,343, Parks/Rec. 5,232.58, Revaluation 1,162.18, Solid Waste 13,898.66, Tort 4,147.84, Vets Memorial 2,986.47, Weeds 415.13, Restorium 17,443.90, Waterways 630.08, Juvenile Probation - Lottery 575.35, Grant-Boat Safety 350, Hospital Supplemental Levy 16,424.67. TOTAL $351,614.16. Trusts: Boundary Co. Drug Court 1,602.41, Driver's License 7,721, Magistrate 24,013.82, Interlock Device Fund 50, Indigent Reimbursement 60,779.22, Motor Vehicle Acct 150,305.36, Sheriff's Fund 647.30, Drug Forfeiture Fund 4,500. TOTAL $249,619.11. GRAND TOTAL $601,233.27. Payroll $629,418.23. Citizens are invited to inspect detailed records on file in the Courthouse (individual claims & Commissioners' allowance & warrant register record 2017-2018). BFH Legal 9916 June 14, 2018
BCMS Track
By Travis Hinthorn